My Ileostomy therapy

Dec 11, 2013 6:20 pm
My two Ostomy therapies are, I) Photography 2) Writing

My favorite shots usually iunvolve birds. I've been shooting Hummingbirds recently, such an amazing creature. This allows you to appreciate the beauty in every little thing around.the beauty of the world through your lens.

I've always written in some role or another. This past year I'v been experimenting with different types of writing. I recently got to the " E's " and my next genre was Erotica. We I figured I would give it a shot to see if anyone would read my short stories. My pieces are carefully planned, every word is considered, it is not just frivolous sex.The content may be considered a bit too raunchy for some, all in a good cause. I have up to 2600 reads per story in a few months, people seem to like my technique and the overall stories. BOOKSIE and the SILK

I find that the writing has a very calming effect on me and improves my overall attitude to life, The stories are taken in part from my time with a J_Pouch when love was a possibility and I made hay while the sun was shining. Until my J_Pouch failed and I had to get the Ileostomy back..I don't date anymore, too much to explain, fear of rejection etc. I'm in great health other than Ileo. I fell and look 20 years younger than I am , I have a youmg soul


Thanks if you read this. send a message in Booksiesilk

Dec 16, 2013 2:12 pm
If people send you a message in Booksiesilk you can find out their email address, which a lot of people would not want to do.
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looking forward
Nov 27, 2018 1:49 pm
can you take walks or play golf??