some kind of normal

Angell delight
Apr 08, 2015 9:25 pm
Hi this is my first blog EVER!!!!!

Its coming up for 6 months post surgery. I now have no colon and about 3 feet of small bowel missing with an ileostomy. I had my gallbladder removed 5 weeks ago.

I actually feel well again. No tummy pains, no obstructions and no more sickness. My out put has calmed down and I'm only getting up once or twice at night to go to the loo. People are comenting on how well I look. I may even come to terms with living with my bag.

I'm not sure how I will ajust my summer clothes and swimwear, but that'll be my next challenge.

Apr 11, 2015 6:53 pm
Sounds like your doing well, which is wonderful!
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Apr 13, 2015 3:15 am
Good for you! Now that you are feeling better, you can focus your attention on other things like your clothes. If you have gotten this far, the rest will be easier and you will finally live your life. Good luck.
Apr 16, 2015 7:02 am
If you're trying to figure out what to wear for the summer, try looking at I bought a unisex wrap from them so that I don't feel so self-conscious about my bag. They sell all kinds of stuff for chicks and dudes in the swimwear section. I'm not trying to sound like I work for them at all, just trying to pass along something useful :-)
Apr 23, 2015 1:44 am
So glad that you are doing well and feeling much better after your surgery. That is very good news! I find wearing support undergarments are a help. They keep things in place, smooth things and add security. I also like wearing pantyhose with my dresses and skirts. Again, it provides support. I usually purchase one size bigger to accommodate my ostomy. I don't want to scrunch it. I never really liked wearing pants/slacks, even before the ostomy, but ones that are slightly roomier in the waist work for me. Some people wear the low rise, and I have low rise summer capris, but I need to watch the pancaking if I sit too long. Overall, I wear most of my clothing from the pre-surgery days with a few minor adjustments. You will know what feels comfortable and what does not. Good luck and take care. Everything will work out, it may just take some time. LH

How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Angell delight
May 03, 2015 10:43 pm
Thanks for your supportive comments guys, It's been my life saver this site, I have gained so much knowledge and understanding from my fellow ostomates, it's got me through the last six months of my life!
Sep 14, 2015 8:53 pm
hi angell,ileo has it spot on, ostomy secrets are great and in uk can get it all on script. I use the 10 inch wraps and the vests are good in the winter
Angell delight
Sep 14, 2015 9:05 pm
Thanks blueonthetyneI have a waist wrap, I should probably go back to trying it again.I've had to buy all new clothes as my weight has gone up to a healthy 51 kilogramsI was painfully thin before surgery.I shall definitely try the vests too.Thank you x
Sep 15, 2015 3:17 pm
i lost weight after surgery and im better for it but a bit more would not go a miss. i have 15 wraps now and wear one all the time, they are now a basic part of my underwear.i cracked my biggerst fear this summer gone by going onto the beach ans swimming in the sea, its not that folk are looking at you its just you think folk are looking at you
Sep 15, 2015 4:37 pm
Hi AngellGood for you! Speaking as someone that has had an ostomy over 40 years, the problems you have now about clothing is nothing compared to what you went through. Eventually, you will figure it out. I wear under wear up to the waist with light control to keep it all together and I keep the pouch fairly empty. I wear regular bathing suits and find tankinis easier so that I don't need to pull the whole thing off when I need to empty. Blueonthetyne makes a good point. Most people are not even looking at your tummy area and will not even notice anything different. Take care.
Angell delight
Sep 16, 2015 7:52 pm
Thank you for your supportive ;) replies blueonthetyne and Redondo,I have just purchased a selection of wraps from Ostomysecrets so hopefully I feel a bit more comfortable.I have been getting a lot of leaks and the stoma has felt sore whilst passing waste. I have kept to a simpler diet this week and it seems to have calmed down. I think the bag moves a bit if the stoma is trying too hard to push food out. often i need to change my bag twice a day, I had a leak coming back from a night out in London last friday, late at night on the tube.I had to get off at Kings cross station and run to Mcdonalds' toilets, just in time. Boy what a heart racer. I look forward to the day when I have no more leaks and I no longer feel anxious whilst at work or out for the evening.I did swim on holiday and wore a draped fronted black swimsuit. so that was a success. I need to bin my old jeans and trousers though as the fastenings cut across my stoma. so its high wasted all the way!!!!Hope you both have a lovely evening and thanks for reading/listeningAngell xxxx
Sep 17, 2015 10:08 am
ahhhh its very stressful, I wear me jeans with the bag on the outside then the wrap goes over the top to keep it all in place. I also use now brava elasitcsted ut you have to get them right, im just getting the brave elastisated strips, they take a while to get used to but ive got the hang of it now.
Dec 01, 2023 4:07 am
Reply to blueonthetyne

Hi I've had the same thing with leaks not nice changed pouch supplier and pouches now have no problems 

Clothes I wear what I want when I want at first was worried about lookers so I got a flesh coloured stocking looking thing from stoma nurse hid everything now is what it is good luck