first aid

Apr 26, 2015 4:51 pm
i was going through old paperwork today when i found a old first aid certificate from a course i did at work. this got me thinking as you do as to i cant ever remember covering stomas or ostomy. i know this is a bit of a strange one but why do you think this is. i have have my own opinion that its a taboo subject that only ostomates can understand but sometimes i can be a tad paranoid.

May 01, 2015 10:16 am
Interesting point. I guess the proportion of ostomates in the population is so small, and the number of ostomy-related incidents requiring first aid so small even within that tiny population, that it would be seen as too specialised to cover in what is at best a general course. In my own experience even health professionals (nurses, ambulance people) in the UK regard an ostomy as 'specialist' (or do they mean 'yucky'? lol) and have little idea of how to deal with one. This is much less true here in France, where I've found nurses much more confident about stomas, maybe because stoma specialist nurses are only fond in big cities.
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Jul 17, 2015 1:48 am
My experience with the health professionals here in Chicago Illinois, is that I don't think they train even nurses about ostomies! if you don't have a GI specialist then they look at you like you have an alien growing on you! When I was in the hospital for heart surgery they didn't know how to change the bag and It took them hours to find me a replacement bag! I couldn't believe it! I was in a HOSPITAL! They need to train nurses bettter!
ron in mich
Jul 17, 2015 1:57 pm
hi all, I was in for my annual checkup and the nurse was setting up for digital exam of prostate and I said don't bother that I had an ileo. with total proctocolectomy, and he said but the doc. would still need to do the digital exam and I said impossible as my butt has been removed and sewed shut and he looked totally dumb founded.
Jul 17, 2015 8:25 pm
I just don't understand it! They have the chart right in front of them! and they still ask dumb questions. I guess you gotta laugh!!!!

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