writing Short Stories

Dec 11, 2013 6:23 pm
Hi all,

I've had an Ileostomy for many years and actually got rid of my bag for a number of years by having the J-Pouch surgery.

This worked for a number of years and I lived almost normally for those years. I had several intimate relationships and enjoyed

the company of several girlfriends. I had some good times and enjoyed every minute of my freedom. However my good times came to an end when my J-Pouch failed . After enduring great pain and disruption to my life for many years I decided to reverse the J-Pouch and have an Ileostomy once again.

The pain eventually subsided and I felt fairly normal again, except of course for my ostomy. I am in great health and look as fit and healthy as I feel.

The only problem is my fear that I will never experience female intimate companionship ever again. Just when I have learned how to be with a weoman and how to please a woman I fear that I will never have the chance again.

Photography saved my sanity and writing short stories keeps me sane.

I have written some short stories about some of the women I have met and loved. To a large degree the events in the stories were inspired by actual experiences and of course poetic licence has been used liberally to make the stories more readable and interesting. BOOKSIESILK is where you can find them if you're interested just ask me for my pen name my pen name . You can read without signing up or giving any personal info, you can just drop in and read. If you do read any of my stories please be an ADULT , there is a bit of Naughty Stuff in there but all in good fun. If you are easily offended then do not visit.. If you visit and you would like to comment please leave me a message here, maybe we can talk???

Anyway I hope you have time to take a peek.

Magoo XX


Past Member
Dec 03, 2013 9:19 am
Thanks for the heads up on Booksiesilk (will definitely be taking a peek), have always enjoyed erotic fiction (well before the Fifty Shades phenomenon!) and like to find new authors to read. I believe if your writing comes from past experiences I don't think you will have any problems with intimacy, but understand that finding a new partner is easier said than done with our added attachments (regardless of how many on this site reckon it's easy - usually those who say this have been married for years themselves - funny that!) Keep writing anyway, for readers like myself we do so appreciate it, good erotica is a great aphrodisiac, even if the only one we end up having sex with is ourselves!
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Dec 03, 2013 9:56 am
Hi JP, I'm so happy to get a response so quickly. I heartily agree. The people who say that it's easy are already married etc...I was surprised at how many people read my stories and comment on how much they like my descriptive techniques.I write in other genres but I get way more reads from the erotic side of the aisle, All my recent stories have had 250 reads per day or pretty close to that.I seem to consistently get the highest number of reads. I'm just amazed. I think that my writing relieves any anxieties I might otherwise have and it's s good way to work out my frustrations. By the way I never portray Rape or Assault or Force of any kind. I just like to portray gentle, sometimes funny, loving sexual situations.You can read on Booksie without signing up. some weird stuff, I don't do weird!!!
Dec 03, 2013 9:56 am
Hi Jo , Hi JO, Thanks again for the message at the moment I'm in San Francisco at the moment. The names on booksiesilk are eadigoo and IRISHLILLYYou sound really interesting and I hope we can talk some more.I'll be on tomorrow.All the best Eamon
Dec 05, 2013 1:21 am
Hi Jo, I just wondered if you had read any of my naughty prose?? I'd love to know what you think. As I mentioned, a lot of the situations come from actual experience with a little embellishment and some haughty descriptions thrown in. I love writing descriptive prose, the erotic element just makes it all a lot more fun fun.Magoo

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