Year on

Nov 05, 2015 1:23 pm
well over a year has past since my ileostomy and just when I was getting back to normal and started back my passion.... Martial arts BOOMMMM! Back in hospital for yet another operation😣 I've yet another huge hip to hip scar of life to show and upset.... Emotional and just darn cheesed off with my health and life. Feeling sorry for myself at moment in pain and sporting a lovely dressing as I tried to hoover YES Hoover and burst a few stitches so back to the sofa😖 Being 'normal' is just not Gona come easy to me and I'm just counting down to when Lady Luck may shine on me😔 Sorry for the doom n gloom but this is my only release as no1 nearby can understand they try but I think if I was really totally honest with them they wud think I'm a but job .....

Nov 06, 2015 6:30 am
Hello Taz-uk. Thanks for the post and I hope it helped in releasing some of that negative emotion. one of the reasons for the continued existence of this site is that people on here can understand what it's like to experience the ups and downs of stoma life and the feelings that accompany having a stoma. Whereas those that have never experienced it would find it difficult to place themselves in our position.I have found that most people do not want to listen to other people's concerns in life and especially not their illnesses. Sometimes when people ask me the 'How are you?' question I'm tempted to reply with what I think is the most truthful answer 'You don't really want to know!!' However, usually I smile and say something more benign such as I'm as good as can be expected or Not bad considering--. After this initial encounter the conversation can move on to neutral ground where they might be more interested in what is being said. Fortunately. we ( on this site) 'are' interested in how people are coping (or not) with this condition whether that be in a good or bad way so you can feel really sorry for yourself on here and we will understand even if there is not much we can do for you other than empathise and reply to your posts. I hope things get a bit better for you in the future and you are able to gain some control over the insidious negative emotions that are bound to arise when things are not going well. Best wishes Bill
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Nov 06, 2015 9:45 am
Thanks bill for your kind words and I can relate to what you are saying. I don't bother these days and when ppl ask I just reply with 'I'm ok I guess' as i don't think I'd stop if I was truthful. X
Nov 06, 2015 7:51 pm
Brilliant piece of writing Bill....and oh so true. It is not a sin to feel sorry for oneself, it is better than living a lie. Remembering of course, that champions are the ones who get up when they can't!VJ.
Nov 06, 2015 8:24 pm
Brilliant piece of writing Bill....and oh so true. It is not a sin to feel sorry for oneself, it is better than living a lie. Remembering of course, that champions are the ones who get up when they can't!VJ.

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Nov 07, 2015 3:30 am
The only thing good about a bad day is when it's over. We all have them now and again and sometimes they get the best of us but for a moment. When the new day dawns it's a chance to look at the situation again and find a way to rise above it. Sometimes a good rant or a nice tasty plate of comfort food or even a conquering moment can help us begin again.
Nov 07, 2015 9:42 am
Hello people. Thanks for your supportive comments about my post. I find that having a good rant is very cathartic but I try not to do it at people who would not understand or might take it as a personal affront. To do that would probably just be passing on the negative emotion to someone else. Many of my rants come in the form of rhyming verses and when they have something o do with stomas I'll post them on a blog. However, there are so many more that have little to do with our condition that I just write them down and store them away as a reminder that when those thoughts come back again I can look back and recall that I managed to live through the negative emotional experiences without recourse to anything more drastic than penning a verse or two. Sometimes it becomes necessary to feel sorry for ourselves because nobody else is doing it for us! As long as these feelings do not get a morbid grip upon our lives I can't see much harm in them and if they can be the trigger and motivation for something creative then they have an extra (more positive)beneficial outcome.Best wishesBill