it finally happened

Jul 02, 2016 8:59 pm
hi all

just a short note about me, i have had my colostomy since january 9 2009 it was a pain in the ass the whole time. i never had a bag stay on me for more then couple hours for the whole time i have had it. i complained to the doctors to fix it the whole time. i had a 4 inch waffer and pouch and i had to cut it from side to side the shape of an eye plus hung out my stomach 7 inches into my bag, so it never sealed no matter what i did. so the about the 6th of dec 2015 on mom and dads aniversary once again i ended up in the hospital i lost 2.5 pints of blood from my wounderful stoma. they couldnt find the tear after 2 days in the hospital it sealed its self up. back to the doctors i went complaining about ok look now this happen to me. i went to the VA hospital in salt lake city utah for the first consultation ever about what my options could be.

at first it was battling on a reconect and trying to use my butt again i told him it been a long time since used my butt and i reasearched about a reversal and still on the low end of a percentage of working i wasnt up for that at all. then i brought up that i also still have the disease (Hirschsprung's disease) in my intestine. if it went south on me it will be faster to find again. i wasnt going to take all the meds they say to take to poop(even tho they were over the counter) that might work or might not be a normal poop or know where every bathroom is house to house and crap my pants.

the doctor was fair and good to me cause when i brought up there is no 100 percent guaranteeit would work or a higher chance to fail still had a chance to end up like a man i met that has to wear a daiper cause sometimes he doesnt know when he bowels deside to just take a dump and he shits his pants. so i told him i was happy with my bag i just wanted a more normal size stoma, and a smaller bag and waffer to wear i could do other things that i enjoy doing and to have other options of bags supplies stoma protections and many other things.

so on may 20 2016 i got my wish, he did a revision and resited my stoma i have a small butt now and i can wear my new size waffer and pouch for 2 to 3 days which is a blessing all by itself. not only am i still healing i have been able to enjoy more outdoor things, i like to do without having my friends smell me when the bag would blow out. i have some really good friends that just would carry some sort of air freshner to ease the pain from the toxic smell i would have. they understood that i would take longer to get ready to go outside, so now i enjoy my bow hunting way more then before my bag isnt a big pain in the ass, no more blow outs from the heat or movement from twisting and getting up from a chair. i still cant work cause of the weight restrictions i have to have so i dont cause anotherparastomal hernialike i had before and cause a hernia where the old site is. i just have to realise that i cant do everything i used to do. so i have to have help when it comes to picking things up that are heavy yea that isnt as easy as it sounds either:) but things are much better now time to find that little gal pal that will put up with the crap and do my favorite things

Jul 03, 2016 12:33 am
Good for you! About time you saw some of the silver lining around your cloud! Congrats and best wishes to ya.
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Jul 03, 2016 4:40 am
I read your post and am happy that things have improved. Best wishes for ongoing improvement. LH
Jul 03, 2016 6:49 am
Hello weewee. Thanks for your post. It is great when we hear stories of people who have done something about their problems and have sorted themselves out. I also like the way you were able to talk openly about your condition to the doctor. Sometimes this sort of frank discussion helps them to understand the problems and the potential solutions much better than they would otherwise do. I hope you find your galpal soon.
Best wishes
Jul 05, 2016 4:26 am
hello all
thanks for stopping by with the kind words. as i was tell you about the guy i met and the problems he suffers, i just happen to run into him again today while i was helping my aunt and uncle with their firework stand. guess who shows up yes the same guy he was my house inspector and we had a little chat, things arent going good for him. he got a j pouch and hates it. he said that he suffers from pouchitis, lack of stamina, loss of energy, he has to drink a lot of water way more then the doctors told him or he gets dehydrated, his sex life is the same, and he still has his diaper bag full of clothes and changes he was happy to see things went better for me and is glad i didnt go with what doctors wanted and to research heavey about what the doctors dont tell you i hope every one has good holliday and safe one

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 05, 2016 5:11 am
Hello weewee. Sounds as if you've made a new friend with the house inspector! I hope you told him to try this site.
Best wishes