Is there prejudice amongst the ostamates?

Jan 04, 2017 1:54 am
Good evening my fellow ostamates worldwide, I really am glad I found this sight , for there are some people I've grown really attached too. And I really appreciate them, look at them like family, but I will admit, one thing, people don't seem to like the idea that I blog as much as I do, well, I get things off my mind, and I'm comfortable , that's what this site is about sharing, nor do I intend to stop because some off you have a problem with that . Take it to the administrator!!! I've have not said anything unkind to anyone nor do I intend too. The sad part is that we as ostamates already are alienated by others that are non ostamates. But to be alienated by people that share your condition is really sad. Check your hearts!!! I don't apologize for blogging nor will I!!!


By the way, my name be on the online chat room but I'm not there , I rarely be in the chat room, if you must know, so if you can't get someone don't blame me send them a message if I want to talk that's what I do!!! Have a great evening all...

ron in mich
Jan 06, 2017 5:40 pm
hi Angelica I am totally baffled why anyone would criticise you, the site is for comments and observations and such and without your input would be boring.
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Jan 06, 2017 7:15 pm
Thank you Ron in mich I thank you for your comments !!!!!angelicamarie
Past Member
Jan 07, 2017 5:07 am
Hi there Angel.....It would be sad to think that some idiot would be so DENSE and Thick as to criticize someone for doing the very thing for which the site was designed and created !!?? This is the place to cut loose and say whatever is on your mind.....insults or this type of criticism does not belong here !! so whoever is giving AngelicaMarie a hard time ....Cut It Out !!
I love reading your posts and comments Angelica.....keep it up and don't let idiots put you off.
That said, I have never found anyone on this site to be nasty or mean but there is always one to spoil the mix. Like the scam artists who try their scams on the site , simply ignore them and know that we are all friends here. Keep on Posting , the more the better XOXO
Jan 07, 2017 6:44 pm
Thanks magoo for responding I feel like you do nor do I intend to stop , but it is sad. Angelicamarie


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jan 07, 2017 6:34 pm
Angelicamarie, you are the first person I saw when I was exploring this site and you are the reason I joined the forum. I wish there really was world-wide blindness to race and disability but there isn't. I truly believe you are a unique person and you inspired me to be totally honest and open to my circle of friends on FB. I started with 151 friends, then I shared the COMPLETE story. I now have 126 friends. Of those, about 60 are fiercely loyal and defend me to the world. I am humbled by this response and I know it would not have happened without your openness and inspiration. Hang in there and IGNORUM BASTARDUM ( poor Latin for "Ignore the eastwards!").
Jan 07, 2017 6:34 pm
Spellchecker struck again. Replace "eastw" with "bats" and you will get my meaning.
Jan 07, 2017 6:34 pm
I give up. Spellchecker wins again. You know what I meant.
Jan 07, 2017 7:46 pm
Don Brown1943, don't worry about spell check I got it, , and it was heartfelt thank you don. A friend of mine told me don't worry about mistakes he got the message. And that very touching , but don' I don't intend to stop. But I'm glad I touched one person ,you have a wonderful evening!!! Angelicamarie
Jan 11, 2017 12:15 am
Hi Angelicamarie!
There is no such thing as posting too much.
I think we will become friends.
Jan 11, 2017 8:32 am
Hi Laurie, thanks for responding,I appeciate your comments!!! Have a good day angelicamarie
Jan 11, 2017 9:20 pm
Hey Angel, I guess some folks want us to stick precisely to the subject of ostomies. We do our best to answer all questions and offer suggestions based on our own experiences as ostomates. It's all about feeling better and, after exchanges with the kind, caring folks here, we usually do feel better. I think it's mostly about the power of sharing and you might have more to share than some others. Please don't stop. Most of us are happy you choose to write to us. Those that are not happy about it should stop and think that all the time they spend reading your stuff is time they weren't brooding over their own condition.
Jan 11, 2017 10:14 pm
Thanks iMacG5, thanks for those kind words and I really appreciate that you feel like that , I won't stop , just been doing some thinking thanks again like you really don't know how much that meant but thanks again!!! Have a good evening!!! Angelicamarie
Jan 17, 2017 4:54 am
'f' em if they cant take a joke...or the truth , or even how you feel......thats why we are here........just feel good about yourself sister......all of us ostomates with parts of our body ripped out are a different kind of maybe because i dont have a five foot colon inside of me holding 'shit' my external pouch only holds five in the end who is really full of more 'shit'.........the folks that hold it internal hide more than us that can only deal with it and move on
Jan 17, 2017 7:25 am
Thanks for responding, and moonshine I really appreciate the support, thanks again.thanks again !!! Angel