Reversal After Hartmann Operation - Seeking Advice

May 01, 2023 11:33 am

Has anybody done a reversal after a Hartmann operation? I am in two bits right now - a sigmoid colostomy and a rectum stump, due to a biopsy operation gone horribly wrong 14 months ago.
I require an open or robotic surgery to reverse, have a temporary ileostomy for the colon to recover, and then reverse the ileostomy. It is a frightening prospect for me and I don't know what to do, which is very stressful.

Dogen's bag
May 01, 2023 5:31 pm

I am watching your post closely as I am awaiting my date for the Hartmann Reversal.

Quite stressful but also "lightens the load" a little knowing it will come. Oddly, it also makes me feel like a fraud for eventually getting it I should just shut up and deal because so many have it for life.

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May 01, 2023 10:31 pm

In the United States, reversal of a Hartmann colostomy seldom needs to be done in two stages. Can you get other opinions regarding closure?

May 02, 2023 11:00 pm

I had mine reversed after 3 months and had it done in one surgery. I don't know if there's a correlation between the length of time between surgeries and the need for a temporary ostomy. Ask questions and get second opinions if possible! I did have to have an open reversal, not robotic. Good luck.

May 03, 2023 10:41 pm
Reply to Dogen's bag

Thanks for your reply. I am getting a second opinion in two weeks' time to see what is the best option for me regarding surgery.

I had a laparoscopy biopsy operation in Jan 2022 which went horribly wrong. The join leaked hence sepsis set in and then I had an emergency ‘open surgery' to correct it but because of sepsis they could not rejoin the colon. I have ended up with a temporary colostomy for the past 14 months but I am hoping to have the reversal done this summer.
I am wondering whether after this operation will everything go back to some kind of normality or will there be trouble ahead? I still don't know why they kept me so long without urging me to have the reversal?


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

May 04, 2023 7:19 am
Reply to Footie97

Thanks for your reply. You mentioned that you are suffering from runny poops and other issues since your reversal operation! Is it because of the reversal or does it have something to do with original bowel issues? My current colostomy is kind of trouble-free (apart from the shock and issues with having one) and only has an output once a day. I want to make sure if I go for reversal it won't be much worse than my current situation. I want to have a better quality of life afterwards.

May 04, 2023 11:09 am

Hi Syd,

I am having a Hartmann's reversal next week, and will have the same as you. Open surgery, then temporary loop ileostomy to allow healing before full reconnection. The reason for the two-part surgery in my case is that I had sepsis and peritonitis during my previous surgeries, so I think we're in the same boat. So much damage was done by these infections that it's too risky to attempt a one-step reversal.

I hope this helps :)

May 04, 2023 8:59 pm
Reply to clair.crowley83

I hope your operation goes well. Please let me know of your operation and after-surgery progress because our current conditions are very similar. Like you, I had sepsis after the original resection join leaked.

May 04, 2023 9:18 pm
Reply to Syd34

I had a very challenging recovery from reversal. I have had 3 or 4 open procedures since due to adhesions, detached umbilicus, and other issues. I ended up with C. diff infection that nearly killed me. I had to have fecal transfer to get rid of the C. diff. I was on antibiotics for 6 months. I had very irregular bowel habits for a year after the final surgery. Reversal nearly killed me several times along the way. I am nearly 3 years out from reversal and I am glad I did it, but it was a very long road. I spent nearly 8 weeks in the hospital, 3 in ICU, lots of time out of work, and needed plastic surgery to fix the mess. I had no real issues prior to colon rupture from diverticulitis. Back to my normal now.

May 05, 2023 8:43 am
Reply to Footie97

Thanks for your reply. My colostomy was due to a biopsy operation gone wrong in January 2022 and still don't know why I haven't got a date for a reversal as yet. I am hoping all to be done this year. I keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly. I am glad you are well after your troublesome journey past reversal.