Abdominal Pain and the CT

Oct 11, 2023 2:00 am

Well, I posted on here about abdominal pain and you all suggested I consult my surgeon. Which I did. And she ordered an abdominal CT. I had that and the results are in...

I have a midline ventral hernia, so now I am waiting to see if I need surgery for that or what. On top of having to have my gallbladder out.

The joys of my life. (I'm feeling a little stressed, does it show?)


Oct 11, 2023 1:43 pm

Hello. I understand your stress! I'm glad you got that checked out....I need a CT scan for my new hernia as well - got it after a cough that was relentless. I was lucky to get my gallbladder out in 2019!

Best of luck. Keep us updated!

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  38,073 members
Oct 11, 2023 3:32 pm

Does your surgeon recommend having the hernia surgery, or do you just presume you need it? If it's not really bothering you, wait awhile and focus on your other issues for now.

Morning glory
Oct 11, 2023 4:54 pm

Thanks for the update. Try not to stress too much. At least you know what you're dealing with now. Hopefully this will soon be a distant memory.

Oct 11, 2023 5:35 pm
Reply to AlexT


My doctor is out at this time and her filling in doc hasn't gotten back to me yet. I am "in waiting" to see what the next step is. A lot of my family suggest that I ask if I can wait till my doc gets back in the office and ask her if she can perform both the gallbladder surgery and if I need the hernia fixed and see could she do both at the same time. If I have to have surgery for the hernia then the gallbladder would be my 4th surgery and the hernia would be my 5th surgery in 2 years. After never having had surgery before all my life. Actually in a little less than 2 years. Ever since I got Covid it's been one surgery after another all digestive related.



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Oct 11, 2023 5:38 pm
Reply to Morning glory

Morning glory,

Yeah knowing what is going on and why I have had pain I guess is a good thing because it seems like it can be fixed. It is just that so much of my life right now it wrapped up in medical things. I need my body to give me a break. Top it all off I'm being tested for seizures on nov. 1. I sure hope that comes back negative. I need that like I need a hole in the head! Actually maybe having a hole in my head would be a good idea, relieve the pressure in there from all the stress. 


Oct 11, 2023 5:43 pm
Reply to DexieB


I have read that a persistent cough can cause a hernia. That was in some of the reading I did online. So sorry to hear that it happened to you. Does your hernia stick out from your stomach? My tummy sticks out funny in one area but I am not sure that is where the hernia is. My PT who is rehabbing my ankle after having had a very bad sprain that tore the tendon lengthwise, she said with a hernia you shouldn't lift heavy things. (So I let my Mom carry the two 28 packs of water we got today, from the trunk into the house. LoL) Is this not your first hernia? As you said it's a new one. Have you any advice for me about things to do or not to do?


Morning glory
Oct 12, 2023 2:03 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Prayers for you.

Oct 12, 2023 4:41 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Thank you! Yes, it sticks out very prominently, on the left side where my colostomy is. At first, I just thought it was constipation or something, then my stoma also got wider and as time went by, I realized it's a hernia. The wound nurse confirmed it. She gave me a generic hernia belt until my fitted one comes in and told me if I had any bad pain to go to the ER, as a hernia can strangle off your bowel. Then of course, I had some pain for a few days after wearing the generic hernia belt, and I panicked - but I think I wore it too tight and it was causing my pain, as it stopped shortly after I quit wearing it. Unfortunately, I did not have any hernia belt to wear during my coughing spells - I had tried to use a pillow when I coughed, but apparently that didn't work!

I emailed my surgeon's office to see what he thinks - they replied that they may want to do a CT scan, but that it will probably just get fixed with my reversal unless it's causing issues. I see the surgeon on Oct. 25 just for a check-up, and I assume he will talk to me about it then. Yes - definitely watch how much you are lifting...I am lucky I have my family to help me with the heavy lifting, as I don't want this hernia to get worse!

I understand your medical fatigue....I went from healthy to almost dying; my issues stemming from my colon being perforated during a simple procedure. I feel like it's just been one thing after another since then. I hope things calm down for you and wish you the best :)

Oct 14, 2023 12:57 am
Reply to DexieB


It sounds like you have been through a lot. I have a permanent ileostomy so no hope of fixing mine with a reversal. I was totally healthy too until I got Covid. When I got Covid, my digestive system went haywire. Now it's all starting to go. First with the large intestines, now my gallbladder and a hernia. I just noticed tonight when changing my bag that there is a noticeable bump in my belly. I can't imagine it getting fixed without surgery. I keep checking my stoma to make sure it's still rose-colored. I haven't got a hernia belt, wouldn't know how to find one either. I have been wearing my swim wrap outside the pool, and that seems to make things feel more secure. It mostly only bothers me if I bend down or draw my knees up to my chest. If I am sitting up straight or in my recliner leaning back, it isn't so bad. They told me to watch for bulging though, and I noticed it tonight.

You take care of yourself with the cough. When you said that, I kinda got a little paranoid about when I cough and have been holding my ostomy with one hand and covering my cough with the other. Hope your health improves soon.


Oct 14, 2023 4:57 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

Thank you! My wound nurse ordered the hernia belt for me, but you can probably order one through the place you get ostomy supplies.

My daughter has been suffering with digestive issues since having Covid….the doc believes it is IBS-C triggered by Covid. Both the doc and surgeon who did her colonoscopy said they have seen people with lots of weird digestive issues since Covid. She now has to watch what she eats, as she will feel a noticeable bulge in her abdomen that lasts days when she eats raw vegetables, etc. Colonoscopy revealed nothing. I hope things start to get better for you ❤️‍🩹

Oct 15, 2023 4:00 am
Reply to DexieB

Wow, you both have ostomies? Life must be pretty interesting around your way. Sorry to hear that COVID affected your daughter so badly. I think as time goes on, they are discovering more and more issues that COVID can cause. I had my lungs shut down, my intestines shut down and blocked, my kidneys failed, and I was on life support for 2 days between having my large intestine removed and having my ostomy placed. I have had trouble with my digestive system ever since, including now I have to have my gallbladder out. Before COVID, I had no problems, no symptoms. It was a big life change. Now facing this hernia complication after already having my ostomy relocated at the end of last March. It gets tiring, really tiring.

Thanks for the support and for reading my post and sharing some of your experiences.


Oct 17, 2023 2:13 pm
Reply to infinitycastle52777

No - sorry, I wasn't clear on that. My daughter doesn't have an ostomy, but she had digestive issues after COVID, like you - it all went haywire and she had to have a bunch of tests. Luckily, it seems to have calmed down a little, but she still gets a bulge in her abdomen and has issues after eating certain things. Sorry you have had so much trouble, I hope things get better!

Oct 23, 2023 4:41 am
Reply to DexieB

Hope your daughter continues to have improvements.


Nov 20, 2023 12:14 am

Hey! Hang in there girlie! It's a great idea to see if the 2 things can be taken care of at once. I too developed a hernia before I went in for the colostomy reversal. It was quite the bulge next to my colostomy. When I met with my surgeon I said "while you're in there tinkering around, do you think you could fix this too?" and he did. That sucker was 8x5 cm. And yes, I think it's from some kind of strain, be it coughing, sneezing or lifting heavy things. This go round I'm really trying to hold my stomach with my hands for a cough or sneeze and really watching what I lift. Now I'm paranoid since I'm trying to put some weight back on any little puff in that area gets me wondering! You're not alone in this by any means.