Reply to Newhere
Hello 'New Here',
You are so right - TIME is necessary - for the body will find its own equilibrium. A clear strong intention, gentle heart, and bright cellular space will allow 'the best' that is possible to happen - in its own time.
I send kind thoughts to all members and everyone visiting here on MAO, for I can relate to bowel rupture and the longer-term consequences of this.
So too can one relate to the initial 'scare' on finding one morning an egg-sized growth - noticeably becoming larger. Scary: First job to isolate and try and hold in stasis and then focus more deeply and go to the core to address at the cellular level a fast-growing dark cellular 'happening.' Actually, once over the initial surprise, it is a very humbling experience, for in the end, one FEELS it is down to self to fight by surrendering in ultimate weakness before getting a handle on that which is happening.
I FEEL that it is wonderful if we can "allow" ourselves to release and open to 'clear' that which can accumulate when we do not address the basic needs we all have on a heart and well-being level.
To iterate what has been said by so many other members, we LEARN, LEARN, and if we don't "get" it the first time, things are re-presented to us more strongly the next. So LEARN, LEARN, LEARN, and eventually the core of us is honored and we change when we do the work required - gradually - and sometimes the realization comes and a quantum leap is felt from whence we can surge forward.
On a physiological level, there needs to be a oneness with time for the body to balance. And it is a very, very personal equation for the individual to maintain "balance." Hence, what is right for one may not relate to that which is currently appropriate for another - or even ourselves [as change is a given]. Over time, we do find there are 'adjustments' which, if we actually listen to our body, heart, and soul, and have the courage to adapt, we are able to change the course for the better and continue our journey with more happiness, awareness, and love for what is.
And yes, it is HARD, and we do have to try [willingly, ideally, sometimes with slow realization] to actually do the work required on many levels of our being.
So, 'hope' is a welcome companion as we progress our journey, for without hope we are all in a very poor place.
Waves from the UK