So I have these hernias that they are going to have to fix with mesh. What I am wondering is, does that mean I will never be able to lift weights again? Or is it just while healing I shouldn't? Anyone else here had hernia repair surgery? What is the recovery time like? And once recovered, can you return to normal activity or is it a no-go for life? I really don't want to get more hernias, and I also don't want to tempt the mesh to harm other organs. I was talking to my friend last night, and she was saying maybe I should not lift weights ever again. But I was saying once I am healed from the surgery, shouldn't I be 100% again? And she was saying with each abdominal surgery, my stomach muscles are going to be weaker and weaker, and so it will be more likely that I will get another hernia. Since the three I have are along my scar from my first major surgery (when they took out my large intestines), that area is going to remain weak. If that is the case, what is the point of the mesh being put in? I do know the surgeon told me that you can only heal to 75% from any abdominal surgery. So if that is true of my first surgery, what percent will it be for an additional surgery? I feel like what people are saying to me is that I should expect more hernias in my future as my guts will just keep trying to push out. And now I have a hard spot above my stoma that sticks out when I am standing up, which is not exactly where they told me the hernias are located. I am so confused.