Reply to osto888
Hello again Osto888
Now able to access info I spoke about earlier :-
Suggest you try these Dansac products .....
I have found the data and my samples for you:
I have two types of pouches which may help with your non-round stoma ..... [both oval wafers and both drainable]
PRODUCT REF3023-15 [this one has the starter part of the hole in the middle of the oval wafer]
The Nova Life System.
TRE barrier technology. Leaflet ref A/S LOD0175 - explains the clinical stuff behind why it works
Dansac Nova Life 1 Midi Open [different type of backing but still oval]
PRODUCT REF9230-10 [this one has the starter part of the hole near the top of the oval wafer]
The difference being, you can center your stoma cut out near the top or the middle ......
Please let us know how you get on.
Like I said - if no go then perhaps the oval shape is not a helpful option.
HOWEVER the TRE type of backing worked for me at one point when I was experiencing a similar situation as you describe - the sucking in [but in my case we are talking trauma site having had the TIEs device actually cut out of my abdomen/bowel - BUT nonetheless - the sucking situation indicates [to me - AND I AM NOT A MEDIC!] does indicate there may well be a [void ie a pocket in some form within your deeper skin layers ..... Obviously I also agree that scar tissue - particularly scar tissue which is in the process of "bonding again" [forgive the non-medical term - but after the number of surgeries I have had that bonding [pulling into the actual new scar tissue as in the scalpel site .... is also relevant.
I might encourage you to just get the stoma area CT'd .... 'cause it may be a pocket of fluid ..... PARTICULARLY AS YOU HAVE PUT ON ANOTHER BAG THE OTHER SIDE - I SUGGESTED THIS SO YOU COULD SEE FOR YOURSELF THE 'SOURCE' OF THE PULLING .... and this confirms it is the drawing of the incisional work - not the skin sensitivity per se.
Like I say I am not a medic - only you and your team can see the 'live' situation.!
Seriously I would get into the shower - no bag on ..... and try a few very gentle yoga 'tenses' - not stretches as such ....... have the water really warm, and then in very slow slow motion keeping your legs straight and arms straight run them up to the ceiling and down to your toes - in a very slow repeated rolling movement.
IMO experience - particularly when carrying little fat - it is not always easy to 'feel' subcutaneous fluid pockets. Its not as though you are carrying extra weight.
When the pulling comes on - when first putting on the bag - [after you have blow dried] is your skin / stoma area 'hot' or lukewarm or quite cool?
Also, after cleaning the stoma - when promoting it to become pert when about to the bag on - does the pulling/sucking feeling/situation begin then?
Oh yes - and do you warm your bags/backing plate/wafers - or are they put on at room temperature [straight from your bathroom cupboard?]
[When you have had your Salts 'sunburst' backing ones on, which are v. thin and finely 'splayed' at the outer broken arc, do you get a separated 'ring' of grey residue left upon spraying the appliance off - ie can you just use the spray without pulling or freeing manually to promote a peel off?]
You may find these little peripheral Q's strange - but I ask as I use a variety of bags and sometimes separate plates too ...... although generally, I am able just to wear the Salts Comfort B now as a one piece - but not in the heat or when flying or deep-seated low driving if doing long mileage [400m plus] [all different seating positions - and belts / harnesses .... but even in regular 4x4 cars in the heat and longer holding under pressure before emptying can cause a back pressure with me [not a blowout - BUT THE BACK PRESSURE ACTUALLY CAUSES THE STOMA TO BACK FEED AND AS SUCH THIS IN ITSELF HAS A 'Sucking' feel [but then I have also different surgical layering too ..... but it is concomitant with BACK PRESSURE! -
Your pain on straightening does sound like an internal adhesion kind of thing - UNLESS it's back pressure against an internal fluid pocket [and it is a simple procedure to have this "punctured" and drained within radiology - they can guide straight it - and once drained the intense local pain of the pocket area beneath the abdominal skin [feels like it's in about an inch or so - depending on where the inflammation has gathered. Anyhow - simple to drain - BUT GET IT DONE - IF THAT IS WHAT IT IS - sooner rather than later.
Don't mean to 'magnify' an issue that may not exist - BUT if it is not ONLY back pressure - and your pain on standing to my mind suggests it may not be - then get checked out under the scanner. Your surgeon may well be able to 'feel' ----- I can sometimes feel under behind the stoma some weeks after surgery - but an "internal" fluid or other gathering - which can build up some time after surgery - may explain what MAY be going on.
GOOD LUCK - Hope it's just simply a process of maybe a little underweight stressing of suture sites - keep the shower and gentle exercise - it will help.