Thanks again all. My son has an ileostomy, and has had so since shortly after he was born. We've managed on the whole pretty well, yes he's had sore skin in the past but not to this degree. It's consistent, persistent. Another day of school missed, we're all really struggling. We're due to meet with his stoma nurse in a few days' time.
I've ordered some Domeboro soak that was suggested in a reply, we're willing to try anything. I suppose finding out what's causing it in the first place is equally important.
Oakmed Drainable Midi Hydrocolloid
OW PROFILE Soft Convex
Bag removal spray:
Dansac EasiSpray adhesive remover
Skin barrier:
Sometimes we use Medline Derma-S Total Barrier Film Applicator Non-Sting but more recently Trio Elisse Sting Free Skin Barrier Spray
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Ostomy seal:
Dansac TRR Seal Off Centered Hole
Stoma output sachets:
Trio Pearls Gelling & Odour Control Sachets
We use a combination of Trio Genii Flange Extenders and Salts Flange Extender with Aloe
The photo is from this morning and recently is pretty typical of how his skin is looking. This is the worst period we've had and it's becoming unmanageable with lack of sleep, no school, pain, and discomfort. Thanks so much for any help or suggestions and of course message me if you need more information.