Recently Resited, Mentally Drained, and Low Mood

May 18, 2024 7:46 pm

Hello all, 

I've had an ileostomy since 2016 due to FAP bowel cancer prevention and happily used Salts Confidence Be bags for years without issues along with their stoma ring. Unfortunately, I've been a repeat parastomal hernia patient 3 times. 

Underwent surgery in March 2024 to resite stoma to the left side, abdominal wall reconstruction, and completion proctectomy.

Developed a rash using the hospital-provided Coloplast Mio, so moved to Dansac Tre which solved that problem, but I'm still getting red sore skin millimeters from the stoma.

Currently trialing Coloplast protective ring, but that seems to swell quickly and pushes the wafer hole up. The Dansac wafer hole also seems to peel back from the stoma (I've measured the stoma so the bag hole fits snugly). By the time I change the bag, the wafer hole has been pushed up to the stoma height by, I'm guessing, the stoma ring.

Stoma only just protrudes out from the tummy by maybe 1 cm. Tried using my old Salts bags with a smaller hole but had leaks, so feels like soft convex isn't enough.

I can always feel the stoma moving whether outputting or not, and it sends my anxiety sky high with leak fear. All of my past experience seems to have left me behind.

Today I've only lasted 24 hours since the last change, and mentally I feel like I need to change it even though I've got no pain around the stoma.

Mentally drained, feeling low, wife and toddler trying their best to keep me occupied which helps slightly. 

May 19, 2024 2:56 am

Hey there,

Hang in there, you will get used to this new stoma too. I've had to have mine relocated 4 times and I went through the same types of anxiety. As soon as I got used to the last one, I had to have it relocated and start all over. Right now, it sounds like you are finding what is going to work best frustrating and tiring, but you will find what works for you. As far as the Brava rings go, they do swell a lot and push up against the wafer. They did that to me too, and they are pretty thick. I use their Cera ring from Hollister, and I will cut a little out that way I stretch it out a little to make it a bit thinner. Does your skin burn or itch at all? That's also a big indicator that you're leaking.

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May 19, 2024 4:33 am

Hi Wook,

Yes, the rings swell and erode, so I hear ya. What I do is flatten my ring by putting it between two pieces of parchment paper (baking paper) and rolling over it with a wooden rolling pin. I'm starting with the thin big ring from Hollister (forgot the number off-hand), but I roll it to about half its normal thickness, so it ends up being about 2mm thick. Then I put the piece of plastic I pulled off the barrier from the last change on top of the flattened ring and trim the outer circumference to what I need. This doesn't stop the ring from swelling, but since it's half its original thickness it swells half as much... and still seals well. You could flatten it even thinner, I just haven't had a need to do that yet.


May 19, 2024 7:30 pm
Reply to Beth22

Last two changes now and as of today's change, the skin around the stoma shows signs of healing, although there are still signs of waste at the bottom of the seal.

I think this is primarily physiologically related as the sensations are on an unfamiliar side of the body, but it's not that simple to just switch off and ignore it 😭.

May 24, 2024 12:28 pm
Reply to Thewookiewon

No, it's not just as simple as switching it off... You will get used to it though, the way you did the first time. It's a change, and your body and mind got used to it being in a certain spot, and it's moved, so you will acclimate. It's good the skin is starting to heal.


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister
