Help me to bring young ostomates together!

Jun 08, 2024 5:08 pm

Hello my name is Izzy and my daughter Tui is five years old and she received her ilestomy bag on March 28th. When I asked our wound nurse about organizations that cater to younger kids she said unfortunately there is not one-they seem (from what I’ve learned) cater to the older kid crowd and while I would love my daughter to meet someone older to show her that she can living a normal life even with a bag I think it would do wonders for her mental wellbeing to be surrounded by kids of similar age who are navigating life at the same stage she is and to see that being different doesn’t mean she’s alone. Unfortunately she has had to face the cruelty of kids when they found out and I ended up pulling her out of class from the constant bullying. Because of this she thinks being different means she’s defective or less then and doesn’t deserve friends. But what really broke me was when she looked at me with tears streaming down her cheeks and pleaded “Please can I go back to being Tui- I miss the old Tui she was better.” This gave me the determination to start an organization centered to kids of similar ages. I am contacting you because honestly I am out of my element and have not clue where to even begin. I was hoping you would be able to give me tips, points, where/how to start, any help really would be greatly appreciated! Thank you for taking the time to read my long message and I hope to hear back from you!


Smile big,

Izzy and my brave daughter Tui

Jun 08, 2024 5:42 pm

Hello and welcome.

You are embarking on a noble cause.  It would be so very good for your family and Tui to meet children with an Ostomy.  It's tough for adults to wear a bag everyday.  Can't imagine the trauma a child would go through.  I'm assuming Tui's ileostomy is permanent?  

If you don't find children to form a group, you and and older adults might be just as good.  Your daughter would be able to relate with others who go through the same challenges.  

You might encourage Tui to post her thoughts and questions on this web site.  Everyone here has, or had an ostomy.  We "get it."  

Good luck and give her a  hug for us 

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Jun 08, 2024 5:52 pm

We have a summer camp for ostomy kids from all across Canada.  Maybe you have something the same.

Jun 08, 2024 6:24 pm
Reply to Beachboy

Hi! She's been around older kids and I think it's so beneficial but she gets sad that no one like her is different like her-she feels lonely so I think it would be fantastic for kids of similar ages and stages in life to navigate this new normal together! 

and she's 5 lol she's only be serious on her terms not when I ask 🤣

Jun 08, 2024 6:26 pm
Reply to xnine

I'll look into that! Thanks for the idea!


How to Manage Emotions with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jun 08, 2024 7:22 pm

Also in Canada, and perhaps additional health issues, but maybe you’ll find some resources/inspiration from her info:



Jun 09, 2024 1:12 pm

For sure there are others experiencing the same thing as you — they are equally in despair about their kids. If you want such a group then you should start one. Determine an age range, come up with a name (e. g. "Power Alliance"). An idea may be to create a comic strip made of super heroes: Comet (colostomate), Ione (ileostomate),  and Uranus (urostomate) with special powers — colostomates, Ileostomies, and urostomates would all have different powers, originating from different places in the Solar System. At each meeting you could have the kids create an adventure for the Power Alliance super heroes. Create a flyer and give copies to wound care nurses, surgeons that perform ostomies, rehab facilities, etc. All you need is one other kid to get started. Just an idea but the ball is in your court.

ron in mich
Jun 09, 2024 1:48 pm

Hi Izzy and Tui there is another site that is kinda the official ostomy site of the usa and the have a kids camp every year in differant locations.  good luck