With the heat and humidity NJ brings us each summer, it just seems we are sweating a lot more and worry if the appliance will just fall off while: 🤔
Outside working the yard?
While at parties? At festivals? BBQs...concerts, dancing around?
With a date at dinner? 😲
Sitting in the heat, I believe, is the worst thing you can do when it's this hot outside.
Recently, while working 2 backyards just yesterday in 90-plus degree weather, I was completely soaked, head to toe.
Drinking water was not helping. I wear a wrap about 5 inches wide for support plus an appliance belt. I actually had to sit down several times. The humidity was breathtaking.
No wind. Filthy from cutting lawn and weed whacking sidewalks, weeds, etc. I felt something wasn't right but continued being the dumbass warrior I am. Like a dog with a bone, I was not giving it up.
Once inside, removing the soaked attire, I looked like I had been in the water for several hours. I was able to wring out the T-shirt and wrap I wore. Upon inspection of the appliance, I was amazed it was still intact, adhering with no signs of leaks or tearing off.
I am still wearing the same appliance today after showering and even today it looks fine.
What was the deal here? C strip extenders. The two belts. Taking a break to cool down? Maybe. A good appliance?
It was a freaking hot day. But a productive one. Could have suffered a heat stroke too, so I guess that was the dumbass part. Lucky me.
What did you do? Was your appliance affected? Your fix for it if any?
Belts work. Extenders too. If you are using them, = confidence. Work or play.