Hello all, I'm here to ask for support in making a major decision. I figured this would be the best place to gather insights and information, so thank you in advance.
In February, I had a total colectomy with ileorectal anastomosis. I thought this would be my best option, as the surgeon made an ileostomy seem possible but not optimal. As I have been healing these past 6-ish months, I can't seem to get on top of the bile diarrhea. I also have no gallbladder, which I think is exacerbating the situation. If I live on fiber pills and nothing else, I get a more formed stool, but still diarrhea. The fiber makes me full. I've lost about 10 pounds since the surgery.
My surgeon suggested pelvic floor therapy, and after researching what exactly that entails, I discovered I am already doing pelvic floor exercises. And I refuse to live on Imodium or something similar; the reports on these drugs are scary! I don't need any other issues, thank you very much!
So with the constant diarrhea and a “weakened anal sphincter,” I have accidents. Not every day, but multiple times a month. It's caused me to be a hermit and stay in my home all day, every day. Which has led to me watching videos regarding ostomies/ileostomies.
I'm curious if anyone has been in my position and opted for the ileostomy? And if so, are you satisfied with the results? It seems like freedom to me, and I understand the implications, but I feel there's not really another option.
Thank you!