Ileostomy Partial Blockage After Eating Baby Sweetcorn

Sep 06, 2024 12:12 pm

Hi all, I've had my ileostomy for 22 years with very few issues, luckily. I think I've got a partial blockage after eating baby sweetcorn on Monday night. It's now Friday and output is still reduced, and I still have some mild abdominal pain and tenderness. Will it eventually sort itself, or should I be speaking to my doctor? I feel okay with no sickness.

ron in mich
Sep 06, 2024 1:04 pm

Hi Doogs, welcome to the site. Have you tried increasing fluids to flush it out? Some have suggested drinking a can of Coke.

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Morning glory
Sep 06, 2024 1:24 pm

You should be okay. Coke is good, so is grape juice or prune juice. Have you massaged your abdomen? If you are passing stool, you should be sorted out. Try a low-residue diet for a couple of days.

Sep 06, 2024 1:34 pm

If you start vomiting, you need to seek medical attention. Otherwise, try shifting positions, try drinking fluids, and go easy on the corn in the future. Small amounts of things are better than full servings if you are not sure how you are going to do with something.

Sep 06, 2024 1:46 pm

Wow... 22 years having an ileo and no other issues than this one? That's amazing... and unheard of. You are doing things right and know what works and doesn't...

Hard lesson to learn about corn.

Was told to avoid it and I do. Sorry, can't help you.

Welcome to the joint. 😁


Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 06, 2024 2:15 pm

Wow, how welcoming and helpful everyone is here! Thank you 🙏 Yeah, 22 years and no major issues, thankfully. I'll give the Coke and grape juice a try, and stick to scrambled eggs for a few days. Fingers crossed 🤞

Thanks, folks 👍

Sep 06, 2024 4:45 pm

If I have a Coke Zero, it definitely encourages flow. I had a burnt (yummy) hot dog at a cookout yesterday, and had a Coke Zero this morning. The dam was broken. Haha

Still haven't tried corn, but it's on my list for the weekend. We'll see.


Sep 06, 2024 5:46 pm

Push fluids, massage your stomach, get ready. 😁 IMO, as long as you are passing something, you can fix it on your own.

Sep 06, 2024 7:50 pm

A heating pad can help too, just around the stoma area, not directly on it of course. Good luck. It's a good lesson for all of us not to be complacent. Just because you haven't had any problems for a long while, shit can still happen!


Sep 06, 2024 7:59 pm

I was told to do the following if there is a blockage: massage tummy, use a heating pad, drink juice, exercise, and lie in the fetal position, rolling back and forth. I haven't had an issue yet because I am super paranoid about foods.

Sep 06, 2024 8:51 pm
Reply to rebrur2

Pretty much correct. 

Sep 07, 2024 12:18 pm

Grape juice heated up in the microwave as you would a cup of coffee. Drink that and lay on your back on your bed and pull your legs up with your arms under your knees. As others mentioned, the Coke may flush it out as well.

Sep 07, 2024 1:15 pm

How are you getting on, Doogs? Has your blockage cleared? I hope so.

Such good advice above. We've all been there at some point. It's figs with me. I avoid them like the plague!

Sep 07, 2024 1:17 pm

Don't eat corn.

Sep 07, 2024 2:32 pm
Reply to IGGIE

...Yup... that says it all. Simply put.

Sep 07, 2024 3:05 pm
Reply to IGGIE


Sep 10, 2024 2:06 am
Reply to Nini4

Give it a really good chew, and you should be okay. Bon appetit.

Sep 10, 2024 11:24 am

After my operation in 1987, I was advised not to eat stringy celery or peanuts, although being fond of the latter, I never avoided them.

This did lead to problems a few times, during which I suffered the same problems as you—blockage, stomach cramps, etc.—although they usually passed within 24 hours.

The magic words are "in moderation." If you find foods you can't handle, eat them rarely or in moderation. Don't go without, though, if you like them, just manage it.