I was a reasonably fit and athletic 20 year old when I developed UC in 1966 and I had 2 young children. After 8 years suffering the symptoms we all know so well, we ( my wife & me ) decided upon the surgery that would leave me with THE BAG.
Eventually I decided that the only way that I could accept this state was to challenge it- anything that I could do before the op, I would do after it.
So I ate whatever and whenever I wanted, drank whatever, whenever I wanted, swam, dived from a high board, dived from the side of a small ship, hiked, camped etc etc.
i also started playing rugby again and played until I was 47, going on tours to St. Louis, Montreal, and Prague
I have walked I in Scotland,the Pyrenees, the Drakensbergs and most hills in England.
All the time challenging myself & the bag. Then after breaking my nose playing rugby, I was diagnosed with diabetes. I decided that I did not want this and so decided that I would challenge this.
But diabetes is an insidious disease that cannot be challenged and ignored and just gets progressively worse and I am now insulin dependant, but still find it hard to follow the rules, even though I know that for my own health I should.
There is also the fact that one of the symptoms of diabetes is a thirst, and boy, I've always been thirsty,so I think that it's a very strange God that gives a man who likes a drink a disease that makes him thirsty!
I also think that the diabetes may have been caused by 8 years on high doses of steroids
I hope that I'm not whinging or rambling too much
ignore anything below this as I can't delete it
All the time challenging myself & the bag.