Yes or No

Sep 18, 2024 6:24 pm

Considering ileostomy reversal following 14 months after initial surgery. Am 74 years of age. Undecided??

Sep 18, 2024 7:19 pm

It's not an easy choice to make only you can choose take your time........reversal was never an option for me I did have the choice of an ileostomy or J pouch I was 19 had no idea which to choose I flipped a coin week before suregry ileostomy won i have no regrets love my ileo to bits but wouldn't recomened anyone chossing the way I did.

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Sep 18, 2024 8:59 pm

If you are just taking votes, the simple answer is no. 

Sep 18, 2024 9:05 pm

If your doctors say you’re a good candidate for reversal without other issues and you’re willing to go thru the healing process, why not have it done? If I could go back to pre ostomy days with no issues(being the key thing here), sign me up. 

Sep 18, 2024 9:55 pm

I had a really hard time after reversal (colostomy).  3 years after most of my issues are resolved, I am glad I did it.   If you look back thru my posts, at one time I discussed returning to the bag.   I am glad I saw it thru in the long run.

good luck with deciding.   Fwiw I was reversed at 50.


How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Sep 18, 2024 10:53 pm

Hello I had a reversal at 51,  and know someone around your age who also had one.  No regrets from either of us so I vote yes…if you are well enough and a good candidate, why not!   My dad just turned 75 and had open heart surgery yesterday to replace 2 valves.  He was moved out of the ICU this morning which is days earlier than expected, and is doing great.  Not the same surgery but just saying that you’re not too old in my opinion.  Plus a reversal may be easier than your original surgery- I know mine was much much easier!  Best of luck with whatever you decide! 

Sep 18, 2024 11:19 pm
Reply to DexieB

Hi Dexie,

I so appreciate your response.  Reading about your odyssey - part of which is no longer Greek to me - it brought tears for what you have endured.  My colostomy followed 3 months of hospitalizations after emergency shoulder and humerus replacements.  Then I just couldn't stay away (LOL), despite being without symptoms except severe descending abdominal pain.  My husband had walked out 2 months prior after a 27-year marriage, not glancing back and leaving every possession he ever had here.  He remarried one week after the ink was dry on the divorce papers.  After being unable to manage my babies (11 cats up to 18 years old), they were quickly rehomed albeit improperly, causing even more distress.  Stuck in my Collyer's "mansion" with no one to help me go through a zillion items and unwilling to relocate as my area is that convenient, going through another open surgery with my other medical complications is just too daunting to ponder.  Up until 6 months ago I was of the opposite opinion until I read many stories of those with my compounding issues.  Currently, I can barely walk and live in excruciating pain from severe scoliosis, back fractures and chronic venous stasis wounds.  Since Covid, the few neighbors I have who have lived here almost as long (as my 36 years) don't even say hello.  It's a complete mystery as I have been extremely kind and caring to all, paying many for any small service.  I feel like I am walking through a world of mannequins when out in public too.  It should have been the opposite for all of us who survived that brief period, but it just widened our ever-expanding gap.  So I finally decided that risking further surgeries - let alone being unable to do another colonoscopy prep unless done in-hospital - just isn't practical.  I just read of 4 people, yourself included, having had perforations due to the aforementioned or sigmoidoscopies (also ordered for the first time).  I realize I will need hernia surgery and adhesion removal (creating more), and avoid most doctors now like the plague.  I have a lifetime background in medicine - both allopathic and homeopathic - so truly understand the consequences.  I don't fear death, just more suffering; honestly, I can't take any more pain.  At least I have a few hours each night where I enjoy my music and armchair travel.  It's just enough to keep me going (no pun intended).  I'm resigned to my very constricted existence and just try to help others when I can.  This entire experience has added to my maturity and for that I am also grateful.  And for meeting people like you!  I wish you the finest and healthiest of outcomes.  

Sep 19, 2024 12:46 am


Rose Bud 🌹
Sep 19, 2024 2:31 am

That's a hard's your over all health and the reason you got you ostomy? I wanted one right after the 1st 6mths and wasn't healthy enough. After 4 yrs I decided for myself not to ...due to other medicial issues and I flat lined during the procure that lead me to mine My surgeon even said for me it would be a 12 hour surgery( usually 2 from what I've heard) due to everything that happened leading up to my emergency ostomy and having to cut through tons of scar tissue .YOU really need to figure your pros and cons and what's best for you. ASK alot of questions and what's the risk and recovery for you would be..Now if I didn't have the other problems I would try...but I'm used to it and it's just a part of me now...whatever your decision ..I wish you the BEST 😊

Sep 19, 2024 1:34 pm
Reply to wannababrit

So sorry for your struggles.  You are a true warrior.  Sending hugs !!