Ho ho ho! What do you know?
Last month, severe weeping and blood around the stoma. The appliance would not stick at all. A good majority of members offered advice and offered me products they had on hand to send me. How cool is that, huh👍
So kind, strangers reaching out. I don't think of them as strangers. Maybe extended family is a better fit.
I had opened the thread topic in November, similar to the above, and received good advice.
Earlier this year, I switched from Brava to Eakin O rings, resulting in irritated skin. In November, I saw a stoma nurse. I received Nystatin powder. Helped inside a week; all clear. I replaced Brava with Cera adapt ring.
Big difference in sealing. Whoa.
9 days wear time. After the appliance change today, I am sold on Cera rings that many members advised.
Salts rings are not available in America.
If this becomes my newest option, I can dig it.
Experiment. Listen to the advice given here. Get backup info care from either a stoma nurse or wound care nurse. Doctors know nothing about this stuff.
Go get your groove on.