Trouble with Onesie Sealing

Jul 17, 2011 12:25 am

Been having trouble with burning; went to ET nurse since I've gained weight; been 1 year for ileostomy; liked the idea of onesie; but having trouble sealing good, paste user, changed pouch 3 times within the week; Wednesday, Thursday; now burning again!! Might shower and change it again!! It's crazy, and trying to pack for moving August 01.

Jul 17, 2011 12:51 am
Hi Lynsie: I remember well having this burning and itch around my stoma and what worked for me was I started using Adapt rings from hollister, the first time I used one I was able to leave it on for 6 days and by then it was almost all cleared up and after the second one it was all cleared up, also I used a hair dryer on the rings on low for about twenty seconds, and that was after i had stretched it to the approximate size. I also left the paper on the rings until I was ready to slap it on maybe you are using the adapt rings already, anyway I wish you luck, Ed
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Jul 17, 2011 3:56 am

Went back to 2pc for now, - looking at different size - thinking I'm cutting too small - like one piece because of curvature to abdominal scar tissue - recalled homecare, coming next Mon/Tues - TG
Hopefully this 2pc will last - crazy after shower and changing; emergency takeoff; try to take paste off?!! Thanks for info, hoping not to delay myself, for moving Aug-1

Past Member
Jul 17, 2011 5:59 am

Try Hollister 88400's. I never have problems with burning on mine.

Jul 18, 2011 11:28 am

Try karaya powder! It soothes while it heals. I have to change every 3 days, sometimes 2, because of burning. It's because of this ileostomy and the watery output. But the powder really works great!



Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Jul 18, 2011 4:36 pm

I am now an 18-month newbie and have found what works best for me.
Shower and final wash with alcohol wipes.
Powder and blow dry excess powder away.
Wipe on adhesive around wafer area and blow dry.
Install ring over stoma with blow dry for heat.
Install wafer over stoma with blow dry for heat.
Place a generous amount of Karaya Powder around stoma before installing the bag.
No more burning or itching.