I have questions and concerns about irrigation.
Are there people who actually have to do it, or is it a matter of personal preference?
I have a diverting colostomy, with no colon removed, just rerouted.
I think it's a Hartman's Pouch.
Things I've tried are Miralax, prune juice. I just don't empty, and I am ashamed to admit, I am terrified of being told to irrigate. There is some pain in my left groin.
I am not allowed to go back to that surgeon, and there were a lot of questions she would never answer.
Irrigation and blockages were 2 of those questions.
Are there other alternatives to irrigation if one cannot do it?
Also, when I was at another colo rectal Dr.'s office, she reached in the stoma, and it was painful when she got to a certain point. She said she felt no hernias or blockages.
I am sorry that I am a big baby, but there are no support groups anywhere near here.
After I had the ostomy and had more problems, my friends basically up and left me.
Are there people who actually have to do it, or is it a matter of personal preference?
I have a diverting colostomy, with no colon removed, just rerouted.
I think it's a Hartman's Pouch.
Things I've tried are Miralax, prune juice. I just don't empty, and I am ashamed to admit, I am terrified of being told to irrigate. There is some pain in my left groin.
I am not allowed to go back to that surgeon, and there were a lot of questions she would never answer.
Irrigation and blockages were 2 of those questions.
Are there other alternatives to irrigation if one cannot do it?
Also, when I was at another colo rectal Dr.'s office, she reached in the stoma, and it was painful when she got to a certain point. She said she felt no hernias or blockages.
I am sorry that I am a big baby, but there are no support groups anywhere near here.
After I had the ostomy and had more problems, my friends basically up and left me.