Hi all, this is my first post, so I'm hoping I'm doing it right. I have both an ileostomy and urinary diversion in the form of a colon conduit. I was very ill after both, but the ileostomy was the worst. The peristomal skin had abscesses, cellulitis, C. diff, E. coli, etc. As a result, my stomal skin is still in an awful state. I have high output from both ostomies, with about 3-4 liters on average from my urinary stoma and about 800mls to 1300mls of liquid bowel movements. I use a Convatec two-piece for my ileostomy and a Salts one-piece pouch for the urinary diversion. My skin is raw under the ileostomy. I'm on codeine and Imodium to try to slow down the output. In the meantime, no matter how much I try to get a seal using an Eakin ring and stoma paste on top in a circle around my stoma and then put the two-piece over it, the seal never lasts that long and it's really hard to change as it's so active. I'm on a low residue diet, but at this stage, I hate eating because it stings like crazy. I'm also on restricted fluids, including a liter of water with ten sachets of Dioralyte in it, and then I'm allowed 1 liter of tea, water, etc. a day. I'm so dehydrated in the mornings that I can barely lift my head off the pillow. I put out an average of 2.5 liters overnight. My sodium level is very low, as is my potassium, and my creatinine is high, and I'm putting out a lot more than is going in. I just can't seem to get a happy medium. I'm so tired all the time, and my GP is clueless about these things. The dietitians want to put me on IV fluids overnight, and my surgeons have said I may have to go back into the hospital to get the balance right. I'm sleeping all the time and then wake up with what feels like the worst hangover x 1000. It takes drinking the liter of Dioralyte and my meds and maybe an hour before I get the energy to get out of bed. Does anyone have any suggestions? Sorry for going on so long

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Before making the trip from your hospital bed to your home, it's important to review some essential care tips and precautions with your stoma care nurse.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Follow our 9-point hospital discharge checklist.
Urinary tract infections can still occur after urostomy surgery.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.
Learn about some basic diet and ostomy pouch routines that can help prevent them.