Possible Intestinal Blockage - Lingering Stomach Ache - Seeking Advice

Jul 27, 2012 8:00 pm

I believe I had a blockage in my intestines; every bone/muscle in my stomach and back hurt! I threw up. Thinking maybe it was a flu. This was two days ago, but my stomach still aches. What do you think? Thanks.

Texas Girl
Jul 28, 2012 12:47 am

I did have a blockage one time. I ate a bag of peanuts. That evening my stomach hurt so bad, that I couldn't even walk. We called the ambulance to come and get me. And I was very sore days after that too. I hope this helps some.

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  38,289 members
Jul 29, 2012 3:30 pm

Blockages are no fun; however, most are just painful reminders of how important it is to eat well, moderately, and exercise moderately to aid digestion. I have had many over the years, and most, if not all, have been caused by improper eating habits - eating too much of a food that has difficulty passing through one's intestine (problem foods are different for everyone, and it becomes a process of trial and error... kind of nutritional Russian roulette!! LOL).
I have found that walking helps a blockage pass as it gently causes the abdominals to move... you are in pain anyway, and it's pretty much impossible to sleep, so I would just walk around the house.
Good luck and remember to chew well!!)

Jul 29, 2012 6:37 pm

Hi.. Some comments on the blockage issue... My experience here is from having an ileostomy, so for the past 3 years, I have not had many but monitoring what you eat will have much to do with whether you get a blockage or not. I had difficulty a few weeks past for 3 consecutive days... When I reflected on the cause, it was a combination of issues.... Two meals with asparagus over the weekend, asparagus has especially thick, long, cellulose fibers. I also snacked on quite a bit of cheese and crackers over the weekend, cheese moves through quite slowly, crackers too and are dry... It was hot for days so I was likely dehydrated, and after all that, I ate a sub with cold cuts, olives, cucumbers etc..... In combination, it brought on a blockage.... How did I know... Well, the attacks are sudden, there will be no stoma discharge and they usually hurt like heck.... Vomiting is common and as one commented, it's almost impossible to sleep or get comfortable. If it happens again and is very painful, go to emergency... Don't take the risk of a bowel perforation... And sepsis..... Good luck.

Jul 31, 2012 12:11 am
and ,

Well said. I echo your comments.


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Aug 03, 2012 1:33 am

If you think you have a blockage, do not take a chance. You need to call the doctor immediately. When I had mine, I had a list of things that I had tried before I called the doctor, and they still had me try one more thing. The pain was so unreal, and when his suggestion didn't work, I called back and he sent me to the ER. They scanned me and found the blockage. It took several days before they got my blockage cleared. But I was so glad I was in the hospital rather than staying at home being in horrible pain.

Good luck.
Aug 04, 2012 7:48 am

Some excellent advice in here, dear.... Please let us know how you are doing! Xoxo

Aug 04, 2012 7:50 am

Hi Texas Girl........OMG do I ever know what you mean about the peanuts!!!!  Same problem here!!! :/
Past Member
Aug 08, 2012 5:36 pm

I did the same thing with a bag of almonds... Pain was some of the most severe pain I've had since I got my ileostomy. Had terrible flashbacks of the pain I used to have with UC before surgery.

I won't repeat that mistake!