Would anybody show their arse in public ?

Monsieur Le President
Jan 03, 2013 8:52 pm
I have had an ileostomy for 38 years.

Very few people have seen it.

I like it that way.

I would never dream of bending over & showing my arse in public.

However some people feel the need to display their bags, like a badge of honour.

Most people with prosthetics are discreet in their display, & I feel that the stoma & bag are not objects that really should be flourished
Jan 03, 2013 9:23 pm
I think it's all about personal preference. I don't go around wearing short shirts with my bagging hanging out or anything. But, I don't think that anybody should be judged if that's what they want to do. And, I certainly won't let my bag stop me from wearing a bikini to the beach or pool. I'm 23 years old. Am I supposed to live the rest of my life hiding?

I do consider my scar a badge of honor. I had to fight hard to live through it.

Most people are discreet, yes. But I consider the few that aren't my heros. Take Oscar Pistorius for example; he's the fastest man in the world with no legs. He has probably touched so many peoples' lives because he had the courage to show off his prosthetic legs. I can't even imagine how many handicapped children look up to him each and every day because of his bravery and determination. So, if putting my bag on display will help people overcome the stigma that's attached to ostomies, HECK YEAH I'm gonna show it off!
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Jan 03, 2013 10:54 pm
Pistorius is totally different to dumping in a bag dont you think?

He has to walk on them, we have to dump in them...in my world, one I would show off as a necessity and one I would keep very private.
Jan 03, 2013 11:31 pm
Well said I Hate Colons...

It is sad that some will not engage in activities they enjoy because folks may see they have a pouch.
Jan 03, 2013 11:40 pm
Like I said, to each their own

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My point was that people shouldn't be judged either way.

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Jan 04, 2013 1:58 am
i have always felt the need to hide my bag i've had it my whole life, but recently i've just realised that i work hard for my body and i'm 24 years old so why not wear that bikini to the beach !  the people that can flaunt it out there i've always admired.
Jan 04, 2013 5:10 am

I am on your side..................if you got it, (and it appears that you do), flaunt it girl.

Hell, look at Tiki,   doesn't hold her back!
Past Member
Jan 04, 2013 12:27 pm
I am way too open about my ostomy, but it's more about tell than show for me.
Past Member
Jan 04, 2013 3:57 pm
Good for you Monsiur Le President.

I'm not a Drama King and don't tell anyone else how to live there life I believe in

"Live and Let Live"
Past Member
Jan 04, 2013 7:01 pm
I believe in telling anyone who askes about my condition ignorance is  bliss, but if anyone said i dont believe you have one, then i dont go out my way to show them. But as panther says live and let live all to there own..  I think its up to the individual ..tc ambies
Monsieur Le President
Jan 10, 2013 7:02 pm
I think that the Pistorius line is a bit of a red herring- he doesn't wear his springs in his normal run of life, but would wear a set of artificial limbs & cover them with his normal dress.My father was a wartime amputee ( his right arm ) & he wore various attachments fixed to his arm for various tasks, but in a formal suit he wore a hand with a glove- discretely.

I have never had a problem having an ileostomy, after 8 years of UC & getting to know nearly every public convenience the length & breadth of the UK ( & a few fields ), it gave me a new life & allowed me to do Everything that I wanted to do ( nearly ). My argument is that there is nothing remotely attractive in either the bag or it's contents, in fact I think the bag has all the attractions of a red herring, and is much better concealed from everybody's view.
Jan 18, 2013 6:40 pm
I think that people are open or "proud" about their pouches because in some (or hopefully most) cases it has given these people a life they would never dream of having before. For me, the feeling of no longer feeling sick and in constant pain is something I had never experienced before I had an ileostomy. I am proud to say that I battled illness and successfully recovered from a major surgery so sure, this "inconvenient" "gross bag" is something I am proud of. I don't view it so much as a shi* bag, its more of a necessity to allow me to live the life I want. It is definitely a badge of honour for some who have overcome so many obstacles and the adversities from the type of card we've been dealt. I may not flaunt it, but I won't be ashamed of the way my life and body has turned out.
Monsieur Le President
Jan 19, 2013 8:41 am

It's not about being ashamed or proud, but solely about appearances.

My ileostomy has never stopped me from doing anything-I played rugby for 17 years, but kept my shorts on in the communal bath or shower & changed discreetly. My scar on my abdomen is highly visible & if people asked then I told them.

For swimming I have always worn long shorts, why would I hang my bag over a pair of Speedos ?
Jan 19, 2013 3:18 pm
this is for agalo13. hay thats pretty brave of you i was born with the exact same thing you were born with and i have some questions for you if thats cool. thanks klee76
Past Member
Jan 24, 2013 11:56 am
Amen Sista!! I'm in total agreement. It's kinda like letting the string of your tampon hang out when your on your period, why would ya ??????

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Jan 24, 2013 3:46 pm
I will tell you why its imperative on those who are thrilled by their pouches to show the world from the highest and loudest vantage point, cause you see, people still commit suicide at the very thought of getting a pouch,  The Stigma is so fucking strong it needs to dealt with head on with visual Positiveness that we all know exists once you get a pouch.  And that is why you show your arse at every possible moment to dispel the myth of us being a smelly bunch,  and old only bunch,  it cant happen to us bunch.  

What other cure do you know of that makes people contemplate suicide?...........And that the STIGMA............Living with a bag can not be good?  society has it wrong, most people have it wrong and if you ever cross my path , I will make sure you get it right and see it and understand its goodness, so that when the next person in your life has a question, you will be able to respond with positiveness in tone and attitude, and you will too  be saving a life.............

that's why you show your arse in public...............PERIOD
Monsieur Le President
Jan 24, 2013 5:37 pm
Hey, Hey,

Why are you so excited ?

Why not calm down, save your fingers & stop shouting.

I am not my bag

My bag does not define me.

I am a person who happens to have a bag.

My personal preference for the last 38 years has been to keep my bag which contains waste discreetly away from view.

For the previous 28 years since I stopped wearing a nappy I kept my backside from public view and always defecated behind a closed door. I assumed the rest of the world did.

I equate the flourishing of the bag with waving your bare backside in the air.

I hope I do cross your path, & then... what ?

We do a bag exchange ?

Read my other posts on here & you will see that I have been totally positive all my life.
Jan 25, 2013 3:41 am

I think and this is just my two cents...that monsieur your message is clear in your preference..but maybe your approach just rubbed some the wrong way.. It is totally a personal preference...one each ostomate makes...for some they are never ready to show their bag...for some..it is easier..everyone has their reasons for their decision...good or bad it belongs to them...and is for noone to judge...

Whether you bear it and share it..or hide it...you should be proud you survived it!...=)

I also agree with Michael..there is such a HUGE stigma with having an ostomy.. I choose to be open and honest...i would rather someone ask me questions then assume..what is that saying never assume anything it makes an ass out of u and me ?!? For me and I bet alot of ostomates it did come down to either have this ostomy or die....well I think a battle scar and wearing a bag is much better than pushing up daisies...

I have said it before and I will say it again...life is not kind to any of us...but it moves on and so must we!...

and that is just my two cents

Monsieur Le President
Jan 25, 2013 1:58 pm

Your two cents are worth every penny.

Certainly we are all individuals and deal with WHATEVER life throws at us in our own way.

I have been fortunate in that my health has been reasonably good & my personal life the same.

Some stories on here are unbearable.

Just interested in reactions.
Jan 25, 2013 4:24 pm

But probably best not show that except at niche market clubs and websites
Monsieur Le President
Jan 25, 2013 4:32 pm
Good Idea for a new club.

A bag swopping club.

Swop your old bag for a new one.
May 15, 2013 5:02 am

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thats very nice
May 16, 2013 1:22 pm
Aw,  c'mon,

Wearing and dealing with  the bag ain't all that big of a deal.

Personally,  I  find  it  much  more  difficult dealing with or

having to live with a broken heart.

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You'll know  what  I  mean  when  it  comes your time.

Jun 03, 2013 6:45 am
If you've got it flaunt it!

I have never shown my bag/pouch in public but wish i could for sunbathing at times on the beach.