Hello Clint.
Thank you for your post as it gives me the opportunity to share my own recent predicament (which is much the same as yours).
I had been irrigating daily for years without too many problems (that I couldn’t sort out).
The first sign of trouble was when my hernia prevented the water from going in.
I resolved this by using a pump and an adapted anal catheter, which went in (with difficulty) past the hernia. This method worked for a few more years until I began having similar symptoms to that which you describe.
The laxatives did seem to work for a while but then the symptoms returned so I stopped using them.
There were a few months when the output was (to say the least) erratic. It would be absolutely nothing except the water one day, then the following day it would seem excessive (two days output in one).
I was sufficiently concerned to discuss this with my stoma nurse, who suggested I consider stopping irrigating because my colon had turned to ‘mush’ (her words).
My reply was that I could not envisage coping with bags again, and I would try a few things myself first.
Meanwhile, I have readjusted to the new (different) amounts of output so, what was ‘erratic’, has now become the ‘new-normal’.
Very recently, Terri posted a new term that I had not come across before, which was ‘colonic inertia’. This sounds a lot more ‘medical’ than ‘mush’, and it’s the term that I now use for describing what’s going on inside of me to cause the problems.
I have tinkered with all my DIY devices to suit the new set of circumstances, and so far things have settled down so that I can still irrigate (after a fashion), and I can still get away with not using bags if I want to. However, I have made a device for daily use which I clip a bag onto for added ‘safety’. So far, it has proved to be an unnecessary addition. My problem is, that I would rather have the ‘safety-net’, than suffer the potential consequences of going without it.
I join you in apologising for the long-winded answer, which is probably of no pragmatic help to resolve your issues. However, participants on this site have often appreciated responses to posts which indicate that they are not alone in their particular predicaments.
I do hope that you find a better ‘solution’, rather than a simple ‘adjustment’ to the new circumstances, which is all I have managed to do.
If you do come across a solution, be sure to let us know!
Best wishes