Offensive depiction of ostomies online!

Feb 23, 2013 10:09 pm
Hey, I really don't use this site much but I just wanted to alert other ostomates to the fact that the author of dlisted, a popular celebrity gossip site, had a story today comparing someone to a used up colostomy bag. Here is the link: As an ostomate, I don't appreciate him perpetuating this idea that ostomies are shameful or gross. I wrote to him, perhaps it would be helpful for other ostomates to do the same. Thanks!
Feb 24, 2013 11:48 am
Hi CoolPlaces

Just read your post, and had a look at the link, just wondered how you found it, can't imagine why anyone would want to read such stuff from incredibly boring and unrealistic people who only want to cause outrage and upset people by doing outrageous stuff to get noticed.

After all most of these people don't lead real lives, all their lives are made up to from acting to get noticed.

Most of these celebs don't have to contend with the stuff that sick people have to deal with every day, and if any do get sick you'd think they were amazing and so brave when many thousands of people are getting on with the shit of everyday life all the time.

Best advice I can give is to leave the "celebrity gossip sites" to the celebs so they can bitch about each other as much as they want. And in the mean time look around and see what real people do and look after yourself more important than anything.


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Feb 24, 2013 11:49 am
Hi CoolPlaces

Just read your post, and had a look at the link, just wondered how you found it, can't imagine why anyone would want to read such stuff from incredibly boring and unrealistic people who only want to cause outrage and upset people by doing outrageous stuff to get noticed.

After all most of these people don't lead real lives, all their lives are made up to from acting to get noticed.

Most of these celebs don't have to contend with the stuff that sick people have to deal with every day, and if any do get sick you'd think they were amazing and so brave when many thousands of people are getting on with the shit of everyday life all the time.

Best advice I can give is to leave the "celebrity gossip sites" to the celebs so they can bitch about each other as much as they want. And in the mean time look around and see what real people do and look after yourself more important than anything.

