So for the past 5 days now, I've had really watery output and seem to be emptying a lot.
Everything I eat just runs straight out the other end. I can't seem to get anything to stay for longer than a few hours.
As you can imagine, I'm now getting really tired and a bit dehydrated despite keeping up with fluids.
I've tried all the tricks in the food book to get things slowed down, from applesauce to toast and the 'white foods diet', but nothing seems to be helping. I'm wary of medications, but I figure it's time to go to the doctor and get things sorted out.
Does anybody know what could be causing this or how to help it? I have to make it through the weekend before I can get to the doctors.
I've put it down to stress, as I am under a lot at the moment with exams and university work. But surely that can't be all it is. I have taken days off and reduced my workload, but still no luck.
Just looking for a bit of guidance!
(I have had my ileo for just under a year now)
Everything I eat just runs straight out the other end. I can't seem to get anything to stay for longer than a few hours.
As you can imagine, I'm now getting really tired and a bit dehydrated despite keeping up with fluids.
I've tried all the tricks in the food book to get things slowed down, from applesauce to toast and the 'white foods diet', but nothing seems to be helping. I'm wary of medications, but I figure it's time to go to the doctor and get things sorted out.
Does anybody know what could be causing this or how to help it? I have to make it through the weekend before I can get to the doctors.
I've put it down to stress, as I am under a lot at the moment with exams and university work. But surely that can't be all it is. I have taken days off and reduced my workload, but still no luck.
Just looking for a bit of guidance!
(I have had my ileo for just under a year now)