Need help with high output & diarrhea - seeking guidance!

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Oct 26, 2013 1:11 pm
So for the past 5 days now, I've had really watery output and seem to be emptying a lot.
Everything I eat just runs straight out the other end. I can't seem to get anything to stay for longer than a few hours.

As you can imagine, I'm now getting really tired and a bit dehydrated despite keeping up with fluids.
I've tried all the tricks in the food book to get things slowed down, from applesauce to toast and the 'white foods diet', but nothing seems to be helping. I'm wary of medications, but I figure it's time to go to the doctor and get things sorted out.

Does anybody know what could be causing this or how to help it? I have to make it through the weekend before I can get to the doctors.
I've put it down to stress, as I am under a lot at the moment with exams and university work. But surely that can't be all it is. I have taken days off and reduced my workload, but still no luck.

Just looking for a bit of guidance!

(I have had my ileo for just under a year now)
ron in mich
Oct 26, 2013 3:20 pm

Hi Salty, sorry to hear you're having problems. If you're drinking any liquids with high fructose corn syrup in it, like some sports drinks, I would stop drinking those. As for foods that thicken my output, I slice a banana into a bowl of oatmeal. That always works for me if toast and peanut butter doesn't, along with a dose or two of Imodium. Hope you're feeling better soon. Ron.

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Oct 27, 2013 4:23 am

I've had my Ilie for 18 years now, and besides losing all of my colon, I even lost over a foot of small bowel - so staying hydrated has always been a struggle for me. Until 7 years ago, I lived in an area that was very hot and dry in the spring and summer, and that just compounded the risk, so eventually I moved to an area with a much better climate. I keep a glass of something with me or next to me at all times. Then, a year ago, to top things off, after feeling my energy and overall health slipping over many months, I find out I've become intolerant to wheat (gluten) and the damage that caused was making me lose all kinds of essential nutrients. So now, when I take my daily vitamin supplements, to get as much absorption out of them as I can, I'll eat a piece of toast or a roll, wait about 20-30 minutes, then take my vitamins and the bread will thicken up and slow things down and allow me to get more absorption.

Oct 27, 2013 6:54 am
Thanks everyone,

I've been drinking Hydralite to keep my fluids up as well as lots of water. I always have water with me as well.

I started my iron tablets again yesterday after talking to a friend who is a nurse and am feeling better energy-wise. My ileo has finally started to thicken up again, not sure what did it but I'm hoping it stays that way. Maybe I just had a stomach bug?
I'll know if it's stress if it starts again when I pick my uni work back up.

Thanks again.
Oct 28, 2013 2:45 am

My doctor has me on DTO, distilled tincture of opium. This is a highly effective drug which will reduce dehydration significantly; but it comes with a price: addiction. Last spring I spoke with him about getting off the drug, but he convinced me otherwise. Basically, the drug is absolutely effective and I have good quality of life. Why argue with success? Anyway, that's my 2 cents. Not the best option, but you need to control your dehydration one way or another. Good luck!


Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Oct 28, 2013 2:00 pm

PB, why that particular drug? There are many other safer and less addictive ones. Did they not work for you?

I'm afraid that if I treat my problem with medication, I will get a blockage or become constipated. It's probably irrational, but I can't help it.

Oct 28, 2013 9:42 pm

Unfortunately, Lomotil and Imodium, even when combined in full strength, did not do the job for me. You should not be anxious about using meds to treat diarrhea, however, if you start with small doses and gradually work up to an effective level. Good luck!
Oct 30, 2013 9:07 pm
I have had an ileostomy for 29 years and have experienced the same chronic problem. My high output comes from having my colon and a big portion of small intestine removed, thereby causing short bowel syndrome. This is very common among people who have had a lot of intestine removed. Because the bowel is so shortened, the food passes through fast and is of water consistency. Some foods do thicken, such as banana, mashed potato, marshmallow, etc., but only for a short time. My doctors have tried all the anti-diarrhea meds: lomotil, imodium, paragoric, etc. None worked until codeine. They prescribe Tylenol with codeine because it's much less expensive than straight codeine. I used to take #4, but sometimes I felt too bloated, so I have taken #3 30 minutes before a meal and that slows things down to somewhat of normalcy. I absolutely HATE taking this, but it is the only thing that works for me, especially when I want to be physically active or intimate. I was concerned about liver toxicity taking it for 20 years, but I have had 6 different gastroenterologists tell me not to worry that the dose isn't enough for it to be toxic to my liver. I also was concerned about addiction, but after 20 years, I can't tell the difference between a Tylenol #3 and an aspirin. Quality of life is what matters the most to me. Hope this helps. RC
Past Member
Nov 02, 2013 1:20 am
Hi, I had an ileo end in September and before that a colostomy. What a difference. The ileo knocked me out, I was always exhausted with the constant watery output.

So I had a second prescription of lomotil which was so much stronger than the first! I think they didn't get the recipe right!

With the first prescription, I was taking 3 lomotil every 45 hours and nothing, no effect on output, it was still water.

Then I got the same exact prescription filled, I took 2 lomotil (I was taking imodium cause they wouldn't fill the prescription until 4 days later, and imodium worked!

Anyhow, there I am in Target after taking the 2 lomotils, and all of a sudden I get this friggin high, stoned out of my mind! But I could still drive home, thank God! So that's why I think they screwed up the first prescription... what do you guys think?

So meanwhile, stay away from fiber and instead of taking Gatorade to balance my electrolytes, I found that coconut water (I strain out the coconut bits) made by Goya really gives me energy quickly, like in 2 hours!

Hope this helps.. nobody knows what we're going through...

Take care.

Nov 02, 2013 2:55 am

I think the GI system in each of us is so unique that there isn't any single generalizable answer to controlling our own dehydration issues except experimentation. The important thing to remember is that there is a solution to our individual situations: we just need to find it, often by trial and error.

On a related note, I tried drinking coconut water but I found it remarkably akin to panther piss. For the time being, I'll stick to Gatorade 2 which goes down smoothly 24/7. Be well.


Past Member
Nov 02, 2013 3:10 pm

Can I say I was laughing my ass off when I read "panther piss"?

Still smiling...

You're great.

Love to all,
