Pouch leaking constantly, need advice!

Florida gal
Jul 17, 2015 4:07 am

Help, my adult daughter had to change her whole appliance 4 times today. After the first change, it leaked, as did the 2nd and 3rd time. She just did it again now (midnight). She has an ileostomy. She ate some salad last night and we don't know if that is the problem. Will she just have to wait until it gets all out? Anything like this happen to anyone? Thanks. Gerry

Jul 17, 2015 4:51 am

That can be extremely frustrating. If the stool is thick, pancaking could be the problem. Search Google for ileostomy pancaking. If the stool is thin, it can leak under the wafer if a good seal has not been achieved. It takes time and body heat to create a good seal. It can help to cup both hands and gently press around the wafer to heat it up. Be careful of posture to avoid skin folds. I hope this helps.

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Jul 17, 2015 5:16 am

Hi, my name is Marsha, and I sent you a very long private message about skin care/preparation to ensure a good seal. But I'm not sure if the message got through. If you didn't get it, then please write to me, and I'll rewrite my suggestions...


Jul 18, 2015 7:37 pm

Hi, yes, it was probably the salad. How long ago did your daughter have her ileostomy done? I had a blockage and my ostomy nurse told me to lie on the couch or bed, apply a heating pad, and massage the abdomen. If that did not work, get in the shower, remove the pouch, and let the hot water (careful not to burn herself) and massage the abdomen. It worked! I felt so much better, but it did take a couple of times to completely clear. Hope this helps.

Jul 18, 2015 8:53 pm

Hi Gerry,

Leaks are a real pain unless, like Mark stated, you get a good seal. Has she had much experience with wearing a pouch? Does she know not to use any soap with lotions or oils? Did she dry her skin well before applying it?

Hope things are better today.


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 18, 2015 9:22 pm

That's a good point, Mrs. A. Moisturizers will wreck the adhesive. After a shower, I like to dry the skin with a hair dryer. I also use medical tape to supplement the wafer adhesive. I haven't had a leak in years.

Jul 21, 2015 2:03 am

There is also a product called Sure Seal Rings that go over the adhesive on the flange of the pouch. Here is a link if anyone is interested, and you can request free samples. I think they are wonderful .
