Hi Susan.
I hope you don't mind me jumping in on this post. It's a few months later now in October. I hope you are recovering fast and feeling better than when you posted this.
I actually have a few questions for Marlene that I would be very interested in talking with you. I have a BCIR as well for 3 years and 3 months now. I would say I was great the 1st 2 years after my surgery from the BCIR. I had my 1st surgery in January 2003 to have a Brooke ileostomy due to undiagnosed, the GI doctors left me in the category of having symptoms from both Crohn's disease and also Ulcerative colitis. Now for the rest of the time I have been having complications. I was diagnosed a few times with pouchitis. I then had a scope performed and my new GI doctor informed me that the Crohn's came back. I was so confused because at this time I believed I had UC.
I had a blood test performed before I went to Florida for the BCIR surgery that the results came back as me having UC not Crohn's. Since then I have tried so many different medications from Enbrel, Humira, Remicade, and now I'm taking Entyvio. Now since August-September of this year I have been hospitalized 3 times. I was also on Cipro for a month to treat pouchitis again. I am having very loose stool, vomiting, nausea, poor appetite. I have been trying my hardest to stay hydrated, drinking Gatorade with added salt in it per GI. Prednisone, heartburn pills, meds to slow my bowels.
For some reason I'm having issues staying hydrated and losing sodium. I stay in the hospital a few days and then I feel better connected to the IV fluids. I'm released from the hospital I feel ok a few days then things go back with the nausea, vomiting, etc. I have now been trying to avoid staying in the hospital and have gone for outpatient IV fluids.
My GI doctor thinks it is the BCIR pouch causing these symptoms and thinks it would be best to have it removed and go back to the Brooke ileostomy. I also have consulted with a GI surgeon and he is not sure if the pouch is the problem and is not sure if he does the surgery if it will make a difference. The surgeon also advised me about short gut syndrome because of the amount of small intestine they used to create the BCIR. Those are the only 2 surgeries I have had. My 1st surgery my entire large intestine was removed.
I was wondering since you have had the surgery to revert back to the Brooke ileostomy if you have developed short gut syndrome?
Also, how are you doing now that you have had the surgery? Any information you have on this would be greatly appreciated.
I'm confused on what to do from here. We are trying different meds and waiting to see if things turn around, but I will have to make the decision to have the surgery or not. I see my GI doctor on 11/3 and have also had a second GI get involved to see if there is anything I could be doing and to have fresh eyes on my condition.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and again I would really like to chat with you.