Need help with leaks and watery output!

Jul 13, 2016 12:37 am

I am having the most awful time with leaks! I've tried almost every ring or paste product I can find, and I still can't keep a pouch on for more than two days. I have an ileostomy, so my output is pretty watery. Even when I use both a ring and the paste I end up with a leak. I'm getting a bit discouraged. Any tips?

Jul 13, 2016 4:33 am

Hey honey, I can tell you there is hope at the end of this mine. Two to three weeks, right? The right gear... Call me anytime 24/7 if you need to talk or need help: 813-279-1773. There are two pieces to contour, with a waffle-like apply paste around the pre-cut ring. Three circle layers around to cushion the stoma, and it won't leak. This is after 7 ER visits, 10 wound clinic visits, and 5 long poor mother changing bags with me. But now my bags change every 7 days, not because they leak, but because I change them. Hope that helps.

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NJ Bain
Jul 13, 2016 6:37 pm


Aescobar is right when it comes to using the best gear suited for you. That and the technique you prefer when changing your pouch/wafer. I'm guessing you're using a 2-piece pouch? I myself have a permanent ileostomy and I prefer a one-piece drainable pouch by ConvaTec ActiveLife. I also use 2 clips instead of just one because I've had clips fail before. It's good for about 3-4 days and you can reuse the clips of course. I've just gotten so used to them. Here is the method I use to change my pouch.

I use Smith & Nephew skin prep protective barrier wipes before applying the pouch. After I remove the old pouch, I wash the skin surrounding my stoma gently but thoroughly with soap and water and remove any residue wafer buildup, then I rinse the skin clean of soap. Then, I gently wrap my stoma with tissue and pat the area dry. You can even use a hair dryer on cool to dry the skin before applying a skin barrier. After that, I apply the skin barrier and it dries pretty quickly. Once it dries, I apply my pouch and I place my hands flatly on the left and right sides of the stoma for 30 seconds and then I do the same on the top and bottom of the stoma. Since the wafer is heat active, this ensures a good seal. I then fasten one clip to the drainable part, peel the paper from the tape surrounding the wafer and this anchors down the wafer pretty good. Once I have a good seal, I go ahead and throw another clip on.

Like I said, this is the method I prefer, not the best one. Everyone has their own method of madness, but this one works best for me. I hope you find a method and product that works best for you. Hang in there!


Jul 13, 2016 9:19 pm

Hi Bain, what are these clips you talk about? I'm 2 1/2 months post-surgery and am trying to find what works best for me. When people talk of wafers, clips, 3 cushion rings (aescobar7777), it would help to put an item number and where to find them, please. I appreciate you all! Thanks, Duncan

NJ Bain
Jul 14, 2016 3:57 pm


Here is a pic of the pouch and clip I use. I order through but there are several sites that have ostomy supplies and information.

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The clip is a tail clip used at the bottom of the pouch to seal in the contents. Don't let the pic misguide you. The clip is much smaller than it appears. The pouch comes in a box of 10-20 and it comes with this type of tail clip. Some 1 piece pouches have a Velcro closure at the opening but I don't know if I could trust it.

The wafer is the stomahesive or durahesive wax wafer that is heat sensitive and seals around your stoma to protect the skin around it. Some people use 1 piece pouches like me that include the wafer and some people use 2 piece systems in which the pouch and wafer are separate and connect via an "O" ring.

I believe the cushion ring is a separate wax wafer that can be added to your existing pouch or wafer to create a better seal around your stoma, although I could be mistaken since I never use them. I'm sure one of the members here that use them can give you a better idea.

Hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.



Living with Your Ostomy | Hollister

Jul 15, 2016 10:55 pm

Thanks Bain, I thank you and everyone who has encouraged and/or helped me since I found y'all :). Most everyone I talk to seems to have colon issues. Am I on the right site for urine issues? I lost my left kidney, bladder, and prostate. Right now, my whole abdominal area is swollen, hot to the touch, and so painful I can't even stand my shirt touching it. The only thing I did that I shouldn't have was push on a stubborn, heavy wooden gate, and then drove twice, each very short trips (store) ;:( I know I am probably rushing healing but I'm so sick of being sick. My wife says I need to be more patient. Thanks again, Duncan

Past Member
Jul 16, 2016 12:10 am

Hey girl! I totally understand how you feel. You're not alone. It's so hard sometimes to be a girl with a bag. To find clothes and stuff. I'm insecure enough as a 26-year-old girl, you know? Anyway, I have an ileostomy too and I had the same problem. My doctor told me to take Imodium (off brand works) 4 times a day. Once with every meal and once before bed. Not only did I quit having so many leaks but I gained some much-needed weight :-) Wish I could message you or we could chat but I'm not a full member. Hope this helps!

Jul 16, 2016 12:33 am

Thank y'all for the advice! You're right, being a young woman with a bag sucks. Any other tips would be super appreciated!

Jul 16, 2016 7:06 pm

I have had an ileostomy for 65 years! I am so sorry you are having difficulty with leaks. I have changed to many new products through these years. Right now I use Active Seal and the NuHope Comfort belt. It's been months since I've had a leak. Diet is important also, of course. Mary -

NJ Bain
Jul 21, 2016 2:27 pm


Yes, you are on the right site for urine issues as long as an ostomy is involved.


Jul 21, 2016 2:36 pm

Ok, first, make sure that when you wash thoroughly around your stoma, you use a non-perfumed soap such as Ivory. Then use a hair dryer on hot (time varies according to how hot you can stand it when you apply) and heat up the appliance seal or wafer seal, whatever, and place it on quickly. Gently press around the seal. With the two-piece system, just attach the appliance. I use the Durahesive wafer by Convatec. Also, when cleaning, use "Unisolve" to remove any excess adhesive that might remain. Here, be careful to make sure that the Unisolve has dried before placing on the wafer as residue will prevent the wafer from adhering. You can also, in addition, use "Skin Prep" for protecting the area around the stoma. With an ileostomy, leakage is inevitable, but I have found this procedure to significantly minimize it from occurring.

NJ Bain
Jul 21, 2016 3:02 pm

  I guess I've been extremely lucky.   The only times I've had a leakage, is because of faulty pouches, leaving the pouch on for too many days and drinking mass quantities of beer and passing out (the pouch looked like a football), a clip coming unclipped (also why I use 2 now) and of course the inevitable, the cat using my stomach as a launch pad.  

  I was at work once after the cat launched and luckily I was wearing a black shirt.   Needless to say, after about an hour into work, I kept thinking, "Who f*ckin keeps farting in the office?"   Then I noticed a dime sized wet spot on my shirt just above the beltline.   Ran home and changed the pouch.   Yeah it sucked, but*t happens....literally.


Jul 31, 2016 4:23 pm

LOL Bain, thank you for assuring me I'm at the right place. I get my stats 8-15 and "we believe in cancer free". We are still working on what works best for me but all the info I read from y'all really helps a lot. My wife takes any info and thinks it through to what may work best for me. I am picky and Duncan

NJ Bain
Aug 01, 2016 1:14 pm

My pleasure, Duncan. I'm glad we can help out. You're in our prayers.


Aug 01, 2016 3:53 pm

Bain, you all are in our prayers too! Everyone who has taken the time to help has been so special to us. We are very grateful! Have a wonderful week :) Duncan