Hernia in the Backside Area, Not the Stomach

Feb 11, 2017 1:38 am

Hello.   I am from New Zealand.   I have a problem with a Herina.  It is not in my stomach or front of me but it is in my backside. Between my backside cheeks.   I feel it is getting larger.  The doctors tell me they do not want to operate unless absolutely necessary as this type of operation is not always a success.  The stoma nurse suggested support panties, but all the ones I have seen on line etc are for supporting stomachs not backsides or buttocks. The stoma nurse could not provide any as the only ones they have a stomach supporting.  Has anyone else got this problem and managed to find support paties or any ideas at all would be great thanks.  This hernia has come about because of my colostomy operation. Ngaire.

Feb 11, 2017 8:27 am

Hello Ngaire.

Welcome and thank you for interesting post.

I am wondering how your hernia manifests itself in that region as the terminogy may differ for similar conditions.

They called mine an anal prolapse, which sounds as if it is much the same as a hernia. I had this internal prolapse before the colostomy operation but it was only identifiable by an 'interesting' if embarrassing technique, whereby I had to stand on a table and make out that I was sitting on the loo so that the doctor could examine me in the position in which the prolapse would most likely show itself.

The way they tried to fix it was to pull it upwards and sow it to the muscles at the base of the spine. A great idea in  principle but it did not work.

A different set of doctors tried an electrical stimulation technique to try to get the anal muscles to work to support the prolapse and the sphincter. That did not work either.

When I had the colostomy and the faeces was not longer aggravating the anal prolapse it began to ease with regard to pain and now, (after a few years) it is manageable. However, to support it in those early days I used anal plugs from Coloplast. These are designed to control incontinence and are like a suppository when you put them in, then they expand to form an inverted mushroom shape with a piece of string left dangling so that it can be removed relatively easily.  This plug would keep the faeces in before the operation and afterwards it seemed to support the prolapse. I stopped using the anal plugs after about a year post ostomy, as there was less foul mucus discharge and I found I could use external pads instead. However, every now and then. I start getting the familiar pain in the backside and I start using the plugs again until it subsides.

Of course, I don't know whether we are talking about the same condition with different names but I thought I would share my experience with you, just in  case it might prove helpful. As I understand it, most doctors only put some sort of mesh frame in to support this type of hernia, so in principle, anything like an anal plug would probably do the same sort of job.

I hope this is helpful

Best wishes


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