Post-Ileostomy Pain: Normal Healing or Something More?

Mar 20, 2018 4:30 pm

I've only had my ileostomy for six weeks so am still dealing with pain issues. The surgery site is easing up but now I am experiencing bouts of stomach area pain that can last a few hours. My stoma is functioning so if that is so should I be assured this is not a blackage? Is it just gas as my body adjusts to eating again? I know to watch for reactions to various foods. I need to gain a lot of weight back but it is very difficult when I fear the pain that may or may not result from eating.

Is this a normal part of the body healing and readjusting?

Are blockages or scar tissue issues common?


Thank you

NJ Bain
Mar 20, 2018 6:19 pm


  6 weeks is still pretty soon after surgery for everything to get back to normal.  If you've gone back to a regular diet, you have to make sure you chew your food up very well.  With an ileostomy, you can't just woof food down and not expect consequences, not that I'm saying that you are doing that.  Certain foods can cause blockages or obstructions.  Below is a link to a food chart and which foods do what to ostomates. 

Ostomy Food Chart

  If the pain gets worse, be sure to tell your doctor or go to the ER.  You can also use suppliments like Ensure or Boost along with a meal to increase weight gain.  Hope this helps.



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Mar 20, 2018 10:34 pm


you’re awesome!! 

Your answers have helped in so many ways!!! I’ve had my ostomy now 12 days, and so much of the knowledge that I brought with me to the hospital and after, came from you! 

Thank you!! 


NJ Bain
Mar 21, 2018 3:23 am


  You're very welcome!  Glad I could help someone out!  But it's not just me, it's contributed from a lot of people.  I hope you are doing well 12 days in.  Keep us informed of your progress.
