I had a loop ileostomy on 2/2/2017 because of colonic inertia with pelvic floor issues. Knowing what I know now, I would have questioned why they didn't remove the colon and do an end ileostomy at the time. We knew it would not make sense to do a takedown because of the other issues, plus I'm nearly 65 so living with the pouch is easier than what I have gone through for so many years. Nonetheless, it was done and I realize they were trying to be conservative. I was told the bypassed colon would continue to produce mucus and to expect it to pass occasionally. Evidently, there is inflammation and a collection of mucus and stool in the ascending portion of the colon. Just like the initial problem, it takes a long time to get through the colon and is extremely difficult to pass. I have a lot of cramping and discomfort when it's getting ready to pass. We've tried cortisone enemas, which work for a short time but they don't want to use them on a long-term basis. This morning it was like having an actual bowel movement; mostly stool with very little mucus. Additionally, the skin around the stoma hasn't been able to heal because the active portion of the stoma is recessed (I do use a deep convex) and the inactive side pushes over the top. Now they've decided to remove the colon and turn it into a true end ileostomy. I have a history of adhesions and know there is a portion of the bowel that is fixed by adhesions. Should I be concerned about making things even worse because of messing with them? My husband sort of planted doubt and I'm stressing over not wanting to hear "I told you so!" Know what I mean?
I'd appreciate your thoughts.