Seeking Relief for Parastomal Hernia Back Pain

Jan 31, 2019 2:19 am

Hello! I had my ileostomy since May 2018. Developed parastomal hernia in July and seems to get larger and larger throughout the day. I have terrible back pain pretty much constant when I'm on my feet too long. Does anyone else have this problem and if so, what do you do for relief? Thanks!

Two bags
Feb 01, 2019 3:32 am

Hi, I don't have this problem thankfully, but have read something in the past that may help. When you have pain, and the lump is large, try lying on your back, relax, and put some light pressure on the hernia. This can help to push it back down into place and relieve pain. The other option is surgery to have it repaired.

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Feb 01, 2019 4:37 am

Thank you. I'm hoping to have my stoma reversed and hernia repaired in a couple of months!

Feb 03, 2019 12:36 am

I had a parastomal hernia and also had it fixed with my colostomy reversal. I think when things are moving through that area is when I noticed it bigger or painful.

Laying on my back for a while helped a ton.

Make sure to ask a lot of questions around how they are planning to fix the hernia. That polypropylene mesh is causing many problems for folks. My surgeon used a bio mesh (body absorbs in 6 months) Gore Bio A and it has been fine so far (had it for about a year) there are others in that category as well. And if he has a technique he uses that works and holds up without any mesh or if you don't need it, even better from what I have heard.

Good luck!

Feb 03, 2019 1:18 am

Thanks for the advice on the mesh! I'm hoping to have my reversal in April or May! Provided my anastomosis leak is healed!


Getting Support in the Ostomy Community with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Feb 03, 2019 8:11 pm

Good to wait for reversal until everyone is confident you have healed!

I had a colostomy reversal December 20, 2017. I went in for surgery at 7 am. I was home by noon on the 21st. Everything started right up and has been working since... Make sure to follow the bowel prep instructions thoroughly (enjoy that it is a small sacrifice) and plan on changing/emptying your bag a lot) and ask a ton of questions.

FYI I had about 5 inches of my sigmoid colon removed and 2 inches of jejunum.

Good luck!!!