trying to catch the eye of someone stuck in the same boat as me. long term IBD suffer (35 yrs) went the oral meds route. the remicade route. steroid route.
was waiting f or humira route when a blood clot developed. twice within a year. i was bleeding out for months. large intesting had to be rmoved and thus ostomy bag.
bleeding froma bowel movement they said was normal. right. after two yrs? enter a scopy and lo and behold stump/rectum has crohns. and its no just mucus. its blood. rabbit sized poo. mixed. bright red. ugly nasty right? normal? nope. so am considering rectum removal. i researched some posts here hoping to find answers but I think becuase chrons is invloved , my situation. my request is specific. i was told sewing up the hole would still leak.. and there could be urinary issues later. I was never told prior to my surgery that i would still have bowel movments. nor was I told they would be this nasty. I am looing for some input from people with IBD here who have an iliostomy and a rectum that bleeds and what they did to fix it and had they had surgery, how successful was it? thanks in advance.