Huge hernia repair and stoma resite - Need advice!

Dec 06, 2011 11:15 pm

Hi, I too have had a very large hernia repaired in 2009 and I am going back to the hospital to have two more fixed in January. I had mesh put in but things have popped over the top now. I have a fellow ostomate friend in the US that has had her stoma moved from the right to the left and back again after hernias. I lost my dear wife 8 years ago to a brain hemorrhage but fight on to support my two girls and 4 grandkids. Keep your spirits up, Ali.

Dec 07, 2011 12:54 am

Ok, so this may sound really naive and stupid, but I've googled and still confused, so I will ask all of you... Could you tell that you were getting the hernia(s)? What were your symptoms? Did they develop right away or over time?

I am terrified of developing a hernia. A dear friend of mine had one and I could see the intestines and fatty tissue through the skin!! It was corrected surgically and no issues since, but still that scared visual scared the crap outta me.

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Dec 20, 2011 8:39 am
Hi all - A bit of an update .... Gynae surgeon gave me a scan and I do not have endometriosis but do have adenomyosis which is similar but remains within the womb so I do not have to have a hysterectomy .....

Am now waiting (as I have done for the last 13 years ....) for major surgery to repair the hernia, remove my colon and give me a barbie butt ... who knows when that will be ....? Cannot bear the thought of a reversal and being chained to a loo for months and also have a familial colon cancer risk, so not going there ....

As for signs of getting a hernia - pain around the site - like a pulled muscle and a bulge - mine has got much bigger over the years, but I cannot see anything through the skin (can feel the bowel ridges however) suspect your friend was quite thin?

Take care all

Rach xxx
Dec 20, 2011 10:16 pm

Hi, I am glad that you have got some little bit of good news.....

However, whilst it is still not good having to wait for the surgery, I am pleased to see you back on here. We have missed you..

Past Member
Dec 21, 2011 2:25 am

Please don't underestimate your importance on this site. You are needed here ... to many people. More later, Carol


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