I am in a bit of a conundrum, and I signed up on this site to come ask this question, wondering if maybe all of you on the site could have a suggestion.
I have a friend who has an ostomy and bag. I visit her often, as I am really only one of the friends she has. She got an infection from a bug bite and ended up losing a large part of her intestines as a result, and of course was given the ostomy. The ostomy, she only recently learned through a doctor that didn't do her ostomy surgery, is irreversible; the doctor that did the surgery doesn't want to reverse it due to all her many health conditions causing complications after such a surgery. So she's stuck with it the rest of her life. And by default, since I'm one of her friends. *I* am stuck having to smell it every time she empties it.
Here's my problem and my question: she only seems to empty her bag whenever *I* am there. It smells absolutely ungodly, and there are really no smells that get me gaggy (even really bad ones) other than poop smells. There's been several times I've almost gagged after she's come out of the bathroom; the smell emerges after her and smells up her entire apartment very quickly. Her bathroom has a fan, AND she has a can of air freshener; the problem is she uses NEITHER of them. I can't bring it up or say anything because she's very "proper" and does NOT talk about #2's or passing gas. She doesn't even like the word "toot", much less "fart". If I brought it up, she would get extremely offended and angry, and probably hurt. So I pretty much have to sit there and try not to gag, and just pretend the smell is not there, even while it's assaulting my nose. Sometimes I luck out, and she empties it right before I have to go, so I just leave as I had planned, and that gets me away from the smell.
The question is: Do any of you have ANY ideas on what I might be able to do, to indirectly get her to start doing this that cut down on the odor, or at the very least get her to empty the damn bag when I am NOT there? It's just so frustrating that she seems to make NO attempt whatsoever to reduce or hide the stink.
Thanks for your responses!