I order these two wafers in hopes they were correct for my mio pouches.. they weren't... if you need these items message me.
you need to go to either coloplast web site or edge park medical.. (google them) and get details on these two wafers..but...
the one is item number 18522 it says flange size 2 and 3/8.. stoma size 1 and 3/8 to 2 and 1/8.... (for me the stoma size was right on.. precut. but flange is too large.)
the other is item number 18510 which states flange size 2 inches........ stoma size 3/8 to 1 and 3/4. this one is not pre cut. uhave to trim it yourself.
there are five to a box..
when I ordered these these two I didnt realize the flange sizes were so big.. ... this is where your pouch snaps onto or clicks into.. my flange size is 2 and 1/8.. stoma size 1 inch 3/8.
good thing its not metric system other wise I would have the perfect excuse for this mix-up.. instead... its just stupidiy.
just pay postage if u can.. they will be yours.