Has anyone experienced awful constipation and stoma problem? I've had colostomy for 4 years. Now I have a
hernia on the left side, quite swollen. I'm on Miralax 1 or 2 times a day. But this past Saturday, I could tell there was less output...so I added more Miralax, prune juice, very little food. It took until Sunday in the
middle of the night to finally get relief...but the stoma was still swollen and red. The skin is pink/red around most of the stoma. I didn't have problems like this until now and one other time 5 months ago. I am having a colonoscopy through the stoma and a look inside the 9" of rectum in two weeks.
Has anyone had this or anything like it?
I'm on Entyvio for a fistula in the rectum, possibly Crohn's. But diverticulitis was the reason/problem for the colostomy.
I would appreciate any thoughts or experiences if anyone has had this kind of experience. Thank you for reading.