Ostomy Exhibition

Feb 25, 2010 8:09 pm
Once a year I get Invited to a Local Ostomy Exhibition, this arranged by my 2 local hospital Stoma depts , Stoma nurses ,appliance manufacturers & suppliers.

Knowing there is not a lot for me there as I have all my Appliances & supplies sorted I go to see what new inovations are about & have a look at the support wear , under ware & swim wear stands , to get some Ideas.

Then I scoot round all the stalls giving away freebies & goody bags, Its amazing what they put in them. Deoedorants, wipes , sprays,wafer reinforcing tape etc.

On this occasion I bumped into my old Stoma Nurse, who attended to me after my Urostomy Op. We  had a chat & she said  how well I was looking & how nice it was to see  me. Also If I needed a Stoma or Appliance review to pop into Hospital & see her ( & the other 2 nurses I got to know)

In passing I mentioned to her Ostomy web sites :: Her comment was " For goodness sake unless you want to be terminally depressed , stay away from ostomy sites, they are for the lonely & missinformed. Some of the people on those sites are their own worst enemies"

I said nothing & wished her gooday.
Feb 25, 2010 9:51 pm
Yeah, after hearing comments like that I could see myself biting my tongue and backing away, especially after the warm welcome I received on this site. Ed

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Feb 26, 2010 12:59 am
WOW!  If it were not for the people on this site, I do not know where I would be now.  This site has been one of the main reasons I have been able to move forward and with a positive outlook.  Thank you all for being there for me!  Debi
Past Member
Feb 26, 2010 1:44 am
Wow what a comment ,

I am glad i found this web site , If i didnt i think i was the only one with stomas ,

i like reading the forums, people stories, ups and downs and problems and jokes .

Anyway  the people on here have been a great help to me .
Feb 26, 2010 2:10 am
Hang in there girl!  The one thing I am grateful for is I have no more pain and I can eat whatever I want, also I don't have to be near a bathroom all the time.  Life is good!!!!

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 26, 2010 1:52 pm

Yep, I periodically have to remind myself that pre-op when going out to meet friends I would always have to think what the toilets were like at that pub and sometimes wouldn't go. I was really lucky that my friends would start factoring in the toilets of wherever and change venue so I would come along. Eeh, it makes feel good just think they did that for me.
Feb 26, 2010 6:25 pm
If everyone were depressed on the site, I can understand what the nurse meant..but luckily we arent all depressed at the same time. That way we can help each other out and vice versa. I get down sometimes but reading about the problems of others and how gallently they are coping, really helps me. Dont want to be a whinner. It is a long, hard road sometimes but it is the road we were given to walk...and we arent alone in our walk, that helps alot! Thanks everyone...Jeanie in Georgia
Feb 26, 2010 7:01 pm
wow Pete, it just goes to show that a person's profession doesn't mean they are an expert, huh?

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I couldn't have done it without this site and the awesome people and friends I have made.
Past Member
Feb 26, 2010 7:29 pm
When I read some of the problems on here it makes me realise how lucky I am. Most of the stoma nurse's don't have any personal experience of having an ostomy.  I,m sure a lot of Dr's and stoma nurse's look at ostomy site's, whether they admit to it is another thing.
Mar 03, 2010 2:04 am
Hi, everyone there!

I am back on this site after a fairly long gap. I was upset last time when Janice had said she was giving up. I have this particular enquiry: 'How are you Janice, now? I hope you have resolved to come back bravely. Do get back for I am longing to hear from you'.

I remain a well wisher of all ostomates. As an ostomate I am doing real fine. Evrything is streamlined and routine with ostomy management is absolutely set in order. I feel satisfied with what I have achieved. I hope most people do that sooner than later.

Cheers to all

Mar 03, 2010 9:55 pm
I can believe medical staff would say such a thing but, i think it goes to show how much this site has helped all of us at one time or another. Being depressed i think is part of this stage to getting better, i don't think anyone comes out of surgery over joyed that we have a bag or "pouch" as some call it but come to realize that it"the puch or bag" helps or it doesn't, and for those how it hasn't helped yet "Hasn't myself yet" but it give us strength and hope to keep looking and to keep pushing forward. The Dr.s and nurses usually don't have one so they can only understand what they know if that. I actually had a infection a week after my first surgery and was in the ER when 1 of my nurses lifted her shirt up and showed me her scar, what she'd been through, etc. but it seems like you don't know what it's like unless you've been through it. ok i've blabed enough,

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but this site has been a true blessing, so shame on them... this is a great site
Mar 07, 2010 3:16 am
As an ostomy nurse, I think this site is awesome!   I must admit, for a long time I thought this was a dating site.   As I started spending more time here and reading the post I gained so much respect for you guys.    The support you offer one another is fantastic.    Whenever I am working with patients, caregivers, or nursing students, I always emphasize the UOAA and Meetanostomate.com (MAO).  The UOAA offers educational resources and MAO offers support.
Mar 11, 2010 2:50 pm
My stoma is just like everything else -- all about attitude.  It doesn't define who I am or what I can do only shapes how it gets done.  One of the best tips that I shared with a favorite ostomy nurse was to add about 5cc of vegetable oil to my pouches to keep the pancaking to a minimum.  I have the high dollar ostomy lube, but this works well in a pinch.

Its tips like that from this site that make it worthwhile for me.  I am married and have  no use for dating sites.  What I've learned is that with the can-do attitude here its helped to keep my head on straight at times.  Its nice to just be able to identify with others who have similar experieces and useful tips and strategies.  

Hopefully, I'll be able to share some of that optimism from time to time.
Mar 14, 2010 8:42 am
Hi there friend!

   I have been well!  I frequent the UOAA forum now.  Don't come here too much anymore.  I am up to 120 lbs, showering, doing hair & makeup....almost feeling like a real person again!   Thanks for asking!

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