Hi. This is my first post here. I am hoping someone can answer this question for me as I have googled the heck out of it and have not found a single post related to it.
First thing. I had emergency surgery on Oct 7 2020 for a perforated bowel that was later diagnosed to be stage 4 metastatic colon cancer that spread to my liver.
I had a colostomy placed during the initial surgery.
One moth ago I developed c-diff. It has since cleared.
I will have my liver resection on April 6. The colostomy will be reversed and an temporary ileostomy will be placed. The ileostomy will be reversed in 4 to six weeks.
This brings me to my question.
What are the benefits of going this route rather than just having the colostomy reversed? My thoughts on this is that it is an unnecessary procedure that will extend my recovery by an extra 6 weeks.
This whole ordeal has been traumatic and life changing for me and I am uncertain on how to proceed.
Has anyone had this type of experience before?
Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.