Rectum Removal Surgery: Seeking Recovery Advice

Jul 27, 2010 7:09 am

I suffered with Crohn's for 28yrs in and out of hospitals and finally had an ileostomy 8 months ago. I've never felt better but still suffer with colitis from the rectal stum left behind.  My doctor scheduled me to have my rectum removed in August 25th. I have to admit im quite nervus about recovery time and pain. Can anyone give me some advise on recovery.
Jul 27, 2010 8:53 am
All things going well probably 6 - 8 weeks and you'll be chipper again. I go in for hernia reapairs 2 days after you so we'll be recovering together so to speak. Good luck with it.
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Jul 27, 2010 11:17 am
yes, too bad the rectal surgery wasnt done at the same time...They did mine in one big package. I have Crohns also. I think you should be OK in a few months, hopefully there wont be a drain. Hang in there, you are almost done with the worst of it, smooth sailing after. stay in touch, lex
Jul 27, 2010 12:36 pm
Give it about 1 month or so & you should be fine.  It is more uncomfortable than painfull in my opinion.  You will be glad that you had it done.  Good luck & may you have a  speedy recovery.
Jul 28, 2010 11:19 am
i have just had that surgery and have had no problems at all . i had my stitches out today and im fine ,good luck im sure your op will go well as mine .   Jojo

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Jul 28, 2010 11:24 am
Jo Jo you got bgger balls than me hon, I dont think I would want sex after my stitches got out, unless I felt totally healed, maybe you just had one awesome Doctor thank God.  My husband would of loved her.  Love ya Jenny

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Jul 28, 2010 1:48 pm
Yep had mine removed with the rest of the colon in the first surgery. I don't remember any extra pain. You will be fine.
Jul 31, 2010 12:59 pm
Thank you for the support. We are very lucky to have our lives back
Aug 01, 2010 4:55 pm
Hi G, On 21 March 03, I had my colon removed because I suffered from diverticulitis. Now seven yr's later my crohn's is giving me problems. I guess I will now have my rectum removed. One big problem is I am also disabled an confined to a power wheelchair. I am leaking both blood an puss from my rectum. I'am 60yr's young an live alone but I guess my Marine Corps training will pull me through it. Good luck G, my thoughts an prayers will be with you on 25 August.

Oct 02, 2010 12:23 am

I hope all went well with your (rectum removal) surgery.  They couldn't complete the surgery at the same time they did the ileostomy, so for three years, i had a diseased rectum.  It never healed, always leaked pus or blood, and the medical treatment for it in those years were nightly enemas.  Ugh.  I was a teenager back then, and would have to have my mother squirt it in, and then I'd have to lay down on my back, with my butt elevated,  for about an hour.  I would do that at 7, and then get up, dressed and go out with friends at 9.  By the time I was 18 I was pleading with my parents and doctors for the "final surgery".  I've never regretted it, and that's more than 40 years ago.  

Best of luck to you.
Oct 03, 2010 1:46 am
After 37 years fighting with Crohn's, I had my rectum and sigmoid colon removed about 10 months ago.  I was in the hospital 5 days, home 2 weeks and back to work.  I had NOT had a colostomy or ileostomy before.  I have recovered physically very quickly and am healthier than I had been for several years.  The emotional adjustment has been the tough part.  Always before I got better and moved on with life.  Now I have something that is not reversable.  I will always always be like this.  It has been a big adjustment.  I will make it though.  I have had no problems with the Crohn's since the surgery.  Diet is unlimited.  I can eat aything.  It is great.
Jan 31, 2012 3:38 am
HI, after 4yrs of having Crohn's i had an emergency ileostomy last march 2011 since then i have had complications of infections a hernia at the site of the stoma a rectal stump blow out. I have discharge from the rectal stump which is being treated with steriod suppositries. Just recently i have started to have blood in the contents of my bag my consultant arranged for a cat scan i am waiting for the results of the scan. IT'S LOOKING LIKE i will need more surgery to which i want to avoid but in reality is probably unrealistic. Can anybody give me any advice, also in the last few days bleeding from the rectal stump as increased with blood clots. This is making me so depressed i just want to get my life back on track feel like a prisoner to his disease. Thanks xx
Jan 31, 2012 4:04 am
Hi, Sometimes Dr's try to preserve the rectal stump in hopes of reconnecting. My Dr waited 1 yr for mine to heal at my expense but it never Healed. Removing my rectum was the best thing I ever did. I got my life back where before I had a stoma and a rectal stump that never stopped bleeding, mucus discharge and constant trips to the toilet. Good luck and I hope you get well soon "G"