Hi: I am a 53 year old woman who has had an ileostomy since January 1996 due to ulcerative colitis. I haven't had too many problems over the years expect for a few blockages due to bad food and taking codeine for a toothache pain. But last month (October 2010) I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Thus I have 2 questions: (1) I am worried about the side-effects of the upcoming chemo, meds and radiation treatments. Has anyone else with an ileostomy had breast cancer, and/or can anyone recommend how to decrease possible blockages so I can protect my stoma and output? (2) I had my lumpechtomy surgery 2 weeks ago and it was very successful. I am Stage 1, Grade 2, but the doctors are making sure the cancer has not spread to other parts of my body, so I am having a total body bone scan next week and a CT Scan of my pelvis and abdomen. For the CT Scan, the doctors requested that I food-fast and take a drink called "e-z-cat" which is a Barium Sulfate Suspension Concentrate. When I researched online for side-effects it said "intensinal blockages", so I have asked for an alternative, which they called a "water-based" drink. Does anyone know what this would be and how a CT Scan might effect an ileostomy? Many thanks!