Breast Cancer Treatment Concerns with an Ileostomy

Nov 07, 2010 1:30 am
Hi: I am a 53 year old woman who has had an ileostomy since January 1996 due to ulcerative colitis.  I haven't had too many problems over the years expect for a few blockages due to bad food and taking codeine for a toothache pain.  But last month (October 2010) I was diagnosed with breast cancer.  Thus I have 2 questions: (1)  I am worried about the side-effects of the upcoming chemo, meds and radiation treatments.  Has anyone else with an ileostomy had breast cancer, and/or can anyone recommend how to decrease possible blockages so I can protect my stoma and output?   (2)  I had my lumpechtomy surgery 2 weeks ago and it was very successful.  I am Stage 1, Grade 2, but the doctors are making sure the cancer has not spread to other parts of my body, so I am having a total body bone scan next week and a CT Scan of my pelvis and abdomen.  For the CT Scan, the doctors requested that I food-fast and take a drink called "e-z-cat" which is a Barium Sulfate Suspension Concentrate.  When I researched online for side-effects it said "intensinal blockages", so I have asked for an alternative, which they called a "water-based" drink.  Does anyone know what this would be and how a CT Scan might effect an ileostomy?  Many thanks!

Nov 07, 2010 9:07 am
Oh my - can't really answer for CT scans, but have recently had Loads of MRI's and they were fine ..... best of luck with it all

Rach xx
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Past Member
Nov 07, 2010 11:27 am
Hi,  Don't worry about the  CT scan it won't affect your ileostomy. I have one every 12 months, had my last one 2 weeks ago. The concerntrate you drink is to make your pelvis and abodomen show up on the scan, you normally take it 24 hours before. Then when you go for your scan they give you 1 litre of  contrast to to drink, it's tasteless so don't worry. You go through the scan once, then they inject a dye in your arm it makes your whole body feel very hot, only last's a few  minutes. The CT scan only takes a few minutes.
Nov 08, 2010 12:56 am
Hi Lisa - You were wise to refuse the barium - since my ostomy my surgeon no longer orders barium with my scans (he ALWAYS did previously).  I have had scans in the past where they replaced the barium with plain water as apparently a filled up bowel shows up better even without the barium.  

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Nov 08, 2010 1:17 pm
I have had an illeostomy since 1983 and had breast cancer in 2004.  I underwent the chemo after a masectomy but I had a complete and did not need radiation treatment.  I had no problems at all with the chemo causing problems with illeostomy at all.  I have had several CT scans through the years with no problems. As I did not go through the radiation I cannot comment on that part.  I think the radiation is quite localized though.

I have had barium CT since the illeostomy but it has been a long time.  They gave me something to drink immediately after the test was over to "flush" the intestine.  I have no rectum so it was inserted thru the stoma and most was coming out almost as fast as it went in.

I wish you much luck!!

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Past Member
Nov 08, 2010 5:51 pm
Hi Lisa,

I'm a colon cancer patient (8 years) and have had MANY CT scans (and MRI and PET) and haven't had any issues with my ostomy.  (currently have a colostomy but I had an ilestomy for about a year).  Don't have a big meal beforehand and drink plenty of fluids and I don't think you'll have any problems.  The barium "milk shake" isn't all that fun to drink, but it's really not all that bad.  Good luck!
Nov 08, 2010 9:21 pm
I don't have anything worthwhile to input here other than what has already been said by other members. But I did want to leave a brief message to tell you that we will be thinking of you during this difficult time, and you will be in my prayers - keep up the good fight!
Past Member
Aug 16, 2011 2:23 am
Hi,Im almost 50.Had ulceritive colitis,surgery in1997.Breast cancer in 1999.Treatments of chemo and radiation.Such a sick girl,just had to watch my electrolites.Did the bone scan,MRI,you name it.Still here,have learnt a lot in the past 14 years of living with my ileostomy.But I  feel blessed to still be here to enjoy my life,seeing my grown kids,plus my three grandkids.All in all,having my bag is just awesome!
Homie With A Stomie NS
Jun 30, 2022 8:52 pm

I have ileostomy hun and have had 2 scans since I got it due for my 3rd on July 11th....that 1 I will be drinking Gastrografin but prior only the dye was done....never have had any issues with the scans or afterwards....They do them all the time with ostomy patients etc just remind them you have I...I also have had chemo for a few months every 2 weeks and thus far it hasn't effect the ileostomy only have had the hand tingles from it....