Pain relief not working at end of tether

Feb 10, 2011 12:50 pm
pain relief not workin at wits end and few other problems too had enough and dont want to live like this anymore

had surgery before xmas to repair sphincter and perenium but got infected nd ended up with colostomy new years eve, fab start to the year

have been on morphine as tramadol and voltarol/diclofenic and paracetamol didnt work

today have had faeces leak from bottom when stoma is still working has shocked me this morning so now i am scared of leaking when in social situations and being around my 2 very young children

why has this happened not only am i in severe pain but now have to worry about being incontenent whenb the stoma should have stopped the (pooo) its not fair i really am having a bad day and dont want to eat now just in case it happens

hubby just gave me a cuddles and said he can smell poo on my breath feeling really bad dont want this to ruin marriage or the rest of my life stoma nursesaid she has heard of this happening with the loop variety of stoma just had enough and want this to end now aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrggggggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh
Feb 10, 2011 4:44 pm

That really sucks. I'm sorry you are going through this. You really need to speak to your doctor or surgeon and get this fixed. Perhaps your rectum neds to come out. I had a similar problem and I had to have my entire rectum removed. Pain stopped as did the leaking. After all I wasn't using it anymore and I was a higher risk for colon cancer as it runs in my family.

Please see your doctor and get this taken care of, you can't go on living like that. Until then, all I can suggest are Tena or depends to avoid any embarrassing blow outs.

Good Luck!

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Feb 10, 2011 6:32 pm
Jen - your story seems very much like my own - you can find it on my blog - a bit long but start at part 1 ..... have sent you a message too.

Rach xxx
Feb 10, 2011 7:05 pm
Jen - Maybe you want to consider a different doctor. I put up with a miserable situation for years until my wife convinced me to go to the top doctor in the country. I did. I went to see Dr. Henry Janowitz at Mt. Sinai in NYC (RIP). He was one of the founders of the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America. Within a week I was feeling 100% better and the quality of my life went uphill ever since then. His rates were average, but he  gave me the whole hour exclusively with each visit and he knew all my issues. That was quite different from my previous gastroenterologist who scheduled 4 patients at a time as he bounced back and forth between examining rooms during the 15 minutes he alloted. Good doctors don't accept patient misery as a positive outcome. Look elsewhere if your MD isn't making you better. Good luck, and know you have caring friends here.
Feb 10, 2011 9:05 pm
thank u ppl really just generally had a bad day started bad and went downhill from there but thank u for your replies they have made me see there is light at the end of the tunnel x

Stories of Living Life to the Fullest from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Feb 11, 2011 2:32 am
Hi.... maybe I am missing something here so feel free to set me straight... you have a colostomy and you are experiencing some rectal discharge.....if that is the case... then that is not surprising...the colostomy is looking after the processed food ..... the remaining rectum, although not connected...  has mucus membranes which are active... The fecal material is in fact mucus and will be discharged through your rectum.... it can be uncomfortable for sure, smelly lilke regular poo, and with other complications I expect very uncomfortable, but rectal discharge after a colostomy in the form of processed mucus, and maybe some residual blood is common... but see your DR for sure...and if he is giving you a brush off.... look for another... All the best Scotiaman
Feb 11, 2011 6:37 pm
I'm sorry you're having so much trouble.  I know what's it's like to feel like you're at the end of your rope.  And living in chronic pain shades your whole world.  I live with a lot of pain too.  I have gotten better relief using a patch which supplies a constant steady stream of pain medication.  Mine is a fentynl/Duragesic patch and I supplement with oxycodone for break-through pain.

Just remember that there are choices in doctors and surgeons and don't accept answers like "this is just how it's going to be".  A pain specialist may also be helpful for you.  Also, by the way, often antidepressants are used to manage pain.  They do a world of help for a lot of people.  Hope this helps a little.
Feb 11, 2011 8:23 pm
thanks livingand learning i have had a really sh*t day today

started with pancaking which has made site so sore cant touch it and its weeping have very sensitive skin

cleaned and powder on too sore to wipe with cavilon(skin protector wipe)put bag back on and have been in pain all day then sat down to eat some tea and yuck starts to ooze out of the top side of my seal

i was already really sore and now it is worse than ever what am i doing wrong too much powder not enough cavilon or is it just that every time i go to eat it starts to ooze and puts me off food i am now scared to go out 2morro nite in case it happens again rant over sorry guys

ps i can still taste poo so i am guessing its something i have eaten as brushing my teeth hasn't helped
Feb 11, 2011 9:50 pm
I don't know what is going on with your breath, although I know when I was really ill I had chronic bad breath (but I also had ulcers in my esophagus).  Once the skin around your stoma is irritated, it is much harder to form a good seal.  It's a catch 22 because having a poor seal causes stool to come in contact with your skin which then irritates the skin more.  Your surgeon should be able to put you in contact with an ostomy nurse.  They are experts in getting the skin healed.  For me, I have found you really can't use much powder.  Put it on and then brush off as much as will come off.  My ostomy nurse told me the same thing.  I then use an adhesive paste and hold the base against my skin for several minutes before moving.  I have a spray to put on after the powder when the skin is irritated, but I find I don't get a good seal when I use it.  Ultimately, you have to prevent skin breakdown or catch it early and get professional help.  Take a deep breath and do what you can to relax.  I find a heating pad helps me a lot.  Sorry I don't have my magic wand today. lol
Feb 12, 2011 1:44 am
I don't know if this will be of any help but I found when I had problems with leaking, pancaking etc. a pouch with convexity solved that problem completely.  Haven't had any leaking since.

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Feb 13, 2011 8:25 pm
i have a convex bag with belt and its a harder seal not as sore anymore but i am scared of getting leaks which will make me sore but i have just had my first 24 hours without changing only emptying and am bit happier really hoping that just spending an extre 10mins holding my bag on whilst lying down so  tummy was flat and i was able to get a better seal into my belly button thank u for your tips and hints they have helped i did use powder to dry up the weepyness but didnt use a cavilon protector wipe and wonder if that could have been the problem xxx