so sore

Feb 25, 2011 9:59 pm
is really sore after a few days of mucus leaking continuously from bottom and the wound on my bottom is still so sore i am in agony as it has caused nappy rash around the wound and its starting to break down the skin the whole reason for havin the stupid shtt bag is so that my bottom heals did they forget to mention "oh by the way you may still continuously leak faeces and be incontentent evenn tho u have a colostomy"

so pissed off having to bath 4 times a day i havent got the energy to walk to the end of the road how do i manage getting in and out of the bath 4times a day

dr has given me an anti funggal cream which isn't going to last 2mins as it will get leaked onto and washed away by the yuck grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr drs think they know everything and it took me 4 hours to even speak to a dr as i refuse to sit on hard a&e seats for 4 hours just for some cream

i am really grumpy today but am on antibiotics "just in case i get infection"

Pami 22
Feb 26, 2011 1:32 am
Really feel for you, read my post back to you on the forum. Seem's our situation's are really quite similar. I am sooooo with you on what is the point of colostomy to fix ur rectum/perianal area when you still go to the toilet/leak etc!!!! It drives me crazy...i could scream sometimes! I already went through months of incontinence before the stoma, as you say didnt know it would continue with it! Maybe we should invent a plug? Desperate measures eh? Lol. Take care and feel free to contact me. Hope tomorrow brings better things, pami xx
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Past Member
Mar 03, 2011 5:55 am
I'm so sorry Ive been where your at and its not fun at all! My advice get on some TPN ,build yourself up and have the rest of the ructum out!!
I was the best surgery I had becuse all the drainage problem were gone!!But...It might not be for you if you plan on having a baby later on in life as that removel of the rectume can tilt or flip causing infertlization! Hope it can start you thinking on how your going to recover?
Its up to you how soon you recover if you have a positive attitude...I know not so eazy to do!
Believe me it tok me years to figure how to be ill everyday for reat of your life..We dont have a choice but to get better sooner or later!
Mar 14, 2011 3:10 am
I had the same problem after I got my bag 5 years ago. I have no uterus, so no periods but I still had to wear pads due to fistula leakage. I finally got my rectum and anus out last September. No more leakage! But I must admit it was a tough recovery. And not having a butt hole really reeked havoc on my self esteem. It was definitely worth it though, no more pain, swelling, leakage or infections. Good luck to you and feel free to contact me if you think I can be of any help at all!
Mar 14, 2011 6:38 pm
guess what on antibiotics again as i have another infection really sore feel really rough and dr informed me tablets will make me feel bit off for a few days oh what fun i really have had enough of these infections on my bottom wound thank you for your replies ladies xx

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