Ostomy Support Group in PA/MD and other states. Everyone is welcome!

Jul 12, 2011 1:46 pm
Hi All,

I have found there are not many support groups in PA that meet at a minimum once a month. I would like to start a support group and would like to know if there are anyone out there interested in joining. I want to make sure there is a need and if there would be people who would like to attend.

The meetings would be a min of once a month. We could have outings/ fishing shopping etc. This would not be just a gather once a month and go home. We would get connected with others as well as with our families. This is not a dating service but if you would meet someone at the grouping that would be great. Families would be welcome at the outings if you wish.

This would be a great way to meet others without the scary part of meeting one on one. If you live in area states you would definitely be welcome to attend. It is open to anyone.

Let me know what you think!


Jul 13, 2011 3:34 am
Peg- Count me in - I have looked around also and can't come up with anything- I have some connections at York Hospital I could see if they have anything to help you get this started and I would be very happy to help :)
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Jul 13, 2011 9:36 pm
That would be cool. Let me know when you want to meet. Have you gone on your vacation?
Jul 14, 2011 2:17 am
Hey Peg, I go next Wed. and will be gone for a week- My dad is having bladder Surgery on Aug. 5th but any other Friday I am available. Check your schedule and let me know when you are free. :) Until then take care of yourself
Jul 18, 2011 3:00 am
I live in virgina, otherwise I would love to come.

How to Manage Ostomy Leaks with LeeAnne Hayden | Hollister

Jul 18, 2011 11:05 am
Peg, Although it is a well meant seemingly no brainer thing to do, pulling a support group together takes a maximum effort. First and foremost is the geographical chalanges, it would be wonderful if everyone lived close. If your serious give it your all and I will try to help. Otherwise to everyone I cannot recommend enough that you attend the UOAA National Conferences