Sitz Marker Test and Recovery Time After Colectomy Surgery

Past Member
Sep 10, 2022 12:57 am

I am still in the process of being evaluated for a total colectomy and ileostomy (permanent). I am on day 2 of the Sitz marker test, day "0" being Wednesday, the day I took the pill, so it's Friday evening. I will get an X-ray on Monday and also Wednesday if there are any residual markers. If it indicates colonic inertia, we will be scheduling surgery. I had a small bowel movement Thursday morning, which surprised me after all my many meds were removed, but I thought maybe it's residual from the day's prior medication. I don't imagine I lost any markers within 24 hours, but I'm wondering what others have experienced. I really just want to get on with the surgery, but of course, I want the right decision.
Now that we may finally be ready to schedule, I'm wondering how long common recovery is and does it mean mostly being in bed for weeks or just puttering after a month? I'm sure it's different for all, but I have insulin-dependent type 2 diabetes, Sjogren's, and multi-system autoimmune disease including liver (early stage 2 AIH with PBC overlap), Crohn's, POTS, and small fiber polyneuropathy (non-length). I'm already on morphine for nerve pain and arthritis. So, I generally don't heal well and am relatively disabled, but can "putter" for simple food prep and tasks if I'm not on my feet too long. Just wanting to get a picture and help my dear hubby better understand what to expect in helping me in recovery. Thanks for any input or advice.

Sep 11, 2022 8:57 pm

Hi GG, Colonic inertia isn't something we see mentioned a lot here, so that may explain why you haven't gotten more responses to your question. There aren't many of us, but I too suffered from colonic inertia for many years. I had the test you are currently undergoing (they call it a bowel transit time test here in Canada) where they give you little markers to swallow and then X-ray you every day until they have all passed through, right? Well, I had the test several times and they kept telling me I was in the 'normal range' and they weren't willing to give me an ostomy. It wasn't until my bowel finally ruptured in 2019, that I finally got the surgery. I hope you get the result you are looking for, and it's good that they are going straight to an ileostomy, as opposed to a colostomy. I had to go through a colostomy first, which proved to them that my colon did not work properly, and then I finally got my ileostomy. As far as recovery time goes, it really does vary. I really can't speak to how your other health concerns might play into it, but in my case, with my first surgery, I was up and about within a couple of days, but you will be tired and sore and you will need to avoid any strenuous exercise or lifting for several weeks, usually five to six weeks. Luckily you have someone else at home to help you out, so you should be fine. I think I was going out for gentle walks in the neighborhood within a couple of weeks. Be really careful about lifting though, even something like a jug of milk, let hubby do it. You will be at increased risk of hernia, and once you have recovered sufficiently, there are some gentle exercises you can learn to strengthen your abdominal region to reduce your risk. All in good time though, don't even think about it right now.

I wish you all the best and please keep us posted. Feel free to send me a private message if you like, as it sounds like our situations are very similar.


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