Wafer explosion at the office

Sep 24, 2014 11:15 pm
Today at work for the first time, my wafer couldnt handle the sudden pressure. Started leaking. Three colleaguesof mine were shocked at what they just saw. As well as I was.I was mortified andI knew I had no time to be slow acting. I quickly left the area andhad to change my shirt and wafer. I always have emergency supplies just incase. I knew one day this may happen and today was the day.

Then had to face everyone.

They were very kind about it. Sympathetic of my situation.One even asked if I needed help. I just accepted this unfortunate event and attempted to redeemmyself. After I apologized They said "#$%T Happens"

Thank God for human kindness. Thanks for reading my post. God I hate this ostomy!

Sep 24, 2014 11:34 pm
I know it saved my life, but it's tough. I don't mean to complain....
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Sep 25, 2014 2:37 am
Something like your experience happens to all of us at one time or another.Mine(the first one), happened the first night of surgery.S P L A T. All over the place. Five weeks later, I rolled in my sleep...what a mess.But its good to have understanding people around you.
Past Member
Sep 25, 2014 1:30 pm
It was a bad situation, but you were prepared with extra supplies. You did great from the sound of it! :)
Sep 25, 2014 2:06 pm
I know it's not fun. It's been a year-and-a-half since I had my ileostomy. Prior to surgery I was sure I wouldn't be able to deal with it. Mine saved my life, but more importantly, what I saw while at the Mayo Clinic really helps me keep things in perspective from day to day. I saw hundreds of little kids, haven't even had a chance to start life yet, dying of cancer. Many probably won't make it. This made such a profound impact on me that whenever I get bummed out, and it happens to all of us, I see the faces of those poor children and their families and I IMMEDIATELY realize there is nothing wrong with me. It's just an inconvenience.

Words of Encouragement from Ostomy Advocates I Hollister

Sep 25, 2014 2:31 pm
My explosion happened at the airport. I was waiting to board the plane when my row was finally called. I stood up and smelled something not good. I looked down and the contents of my bag had just fallen out and spilled all over my pants and shoes. I panicked and almost ran for the bathroom. Thank God I had a pair of shorts in my backpack. I cleaned myself up and headed back to the now nearly boarded plane. I know many saw or smelled the accident. I just put my head down and never looked up until I got home. What an experience!!
Sep 25, 2014 2:53 pm
Mine happened during a transfer out of a car at the movie theater. I'm a C6 quadriplegic, so whenever I'm not using my personal car or van and riding in someone else's car or SUV I sometimes have to have help getting in and out of their vehicle. I definitely would just assume forgetting that day ever happened, but the most important thing you can do is not panic, stay calm, and always keep a spare change of clothes with you at all times. Even though I was with one of my best friends, it was still an embarrassing situation that I hope I never have to go through again.
Sep 25, 2014 3:19 pm
Mine was about seven months after surgery, first time traveling to my daughter's. We were out shopping when I became very fragrant. I excused myself and went to my daughter's car, made the change and cleaned myself up then as I was putting the appliance and baby wipes into the little black bag I dropped it and its contents spilled all over the floor of the car. My daughter came out of the store to see what was taking me so long and found me sitting there crying like a baby. She laughed and told me not to sweat it, the car could be hosed out (Honda Element) and had survived many @#%%! experiences with two toddlers. As your coworkers put it @#%! happens! We are all still alive because of the little buttons in our bellies. I have learned to accept it and laugh at the times when it makes itself smelled. I do not panic any more. Fortunatley, mine is a colostomy so it is pretty much contained by my clothing, I have learned to carry extra of everything just in case and just get on with my life.
Sep 26, 2014 5:16 am
Thank goodness for the ostomy is what I say! Before my ostomy I was faecally incontinent and wore an anal-plug to keep it in until I could get to a toilet. Unfortunately on occasions when I was walking along the pressure behind the plug would be too great and the whole lot would come out. It is so much easier to clean up with a colostomy where I can see what I'm doing and can now even irrigate so that these things rarely ever happen. Best wishes Bill
Sep 27, 2014 6:51 am
I woke up this morning with poop all over my bed. I had a bag malfunction. Fun times!!! ;)
Oct 16, 2014 6:52 pm
I had my first leak at work last week. im a bus driver and it was in the busy rush hour on Friday tea time. I carry a small bottle of spray aftershave and it was a life saver. i was 15 minutes from my break but managed to stay calm till i got to the canteen. biggest problem was what to do with the soiled bag, i double wrapped it and buried it in the waste bin, my workmates would have been horrified if i had shared this, that is why we need our ostomates, we understand each others problems
Oct 17, 2014 2:43 pm
Well I am a nurse and I just started a new job. I informed my coworkers that I have a ileostomy. I have had a few explosions since I have had the ostomy. I choose to keep the ostomy because I enjoy living pain free. Prior to surgery I lived in pain every day of my life due to Crohn's disease. I realize that the explosions happen I prepare for them in advance by making sure I have extra supplies and I move forward.
Past Member
Oct 18, 2014 12:01 pm
I had 5 ( 3 in public :S) bag explosions after the surgery. was trying to get my confidence back after the surgery. my friends knew i had a surgery ( didn't tell them what ) so decided we go out on the weekend. on the train back home, the bag came off and the smell was awful. everyone on the train gave me the worst looks ever. other time the bag fully opened and spelled on my legs with people who didn't knew about it too .. seriously cant erase those situations from my head. ONCE IN KFC ( not gonna even mention it) well..can u imagine that?!its like every time i trying to take a step in gaining my confidence back, i go 100 steps behind....
Oct 21, 2014 11:43 am
It happened to me twice. Soon after i got the ilestomy, it fell off cause i was lifting a box. The second time, i was on a date with a guy n his friends n the clip opened up on the pouch. So embrassing. But they were cool about it. Its been almost 13 years n i just try hard n deal with it.
Past Member
Apr 05, 2015 4:22 am
Every time this happens to me, its usually at night when I'm sleeping. It gets too full and begins to leak, it wakes me up and it's a mad dash to the restroom to clean up. I've busted clips, not gotten good sticks to my skin and so many more adventures in the 24 years I've had my ileostomy. I hated it at first, but after I got the hang of it, it's now part of my daily life. I really don't remember my life before my sidekick became part of me.